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All that was left was Bakugo, Tsuyu, and Momo. Momo then throws the stuns at Madara to stun him but he shielded his eyes, she then throws the smoke grenades to try and obscure his vision. Her ideas though did not work and played in his favor. He ran through the smoke hitting the three of them multiple times until they were knocked out. He knocked out one, then two, and finally three. That marked the end of their dance.

Madara gathered them and brought them all back to the lodge they were staying at as he waited in the main room. As he was waiting a group of 4 people wearing cat outfits walked in. They looked at him and Immediately went on guard. They didn't know who he was or what his goal is.

"Calm down. I mean you no harm, I am here because of Shota Aizawa." Madara states. This relaxes them a bit.

"Okay, well I am Mandalay. The blonde is Pixie bob, the greenette is Ragdoll, and the big guy is Tiger. You are?" Mandalay states.

"Madara Uchiha." Madara replies bluntly.

The WWPC (Wild Wild Pussy Cats) were shocked. They have heard about the legends and the God Tree from a friend but they didn't believe them. Their friend used to visit often for the God Tree and she would say "The tree is beautiful. I want to make sure it stays that way.".




Madara finished speaking with the WWPC and they told him to ask All Might about a lady who visited the Tree. He was also shown a picture and the lady was now stuck on his mind. He was intrigued and though he didn't know, he was in-love. Throughout the ride it was fairly quiet which Madara and Aizawa enjoyed. Aizawa was able to sleep and Madara was thinking about the new things that have occurred over the generations. Momo sees Madara thinking and she decides to talk to him.

"u-um Mister Uchiha, I noticed you were thinking and was wondering what about."

"Ahh yes, I have been asleep for around 1500 years so I was wondering what has happened since then."

"I could tell you a few things if you don't mind."

"Thank you, I would appreciate it."

"Okay. Well in books it says that once you were near death you disappeared and the God Tree was where you were brought to. Once you arrived there the shinobi decided against bothering you since they believed you were getting back to full health and eventually they all starting creating newer technology which were scientific ninja tools allowing anybody to use jutsu and such. As more years went by chakra starting transforming into quirks which was specific from person to person and shinobi died out. Once they were gone people started using their quirks for bad so they were considered villains, heroes were then born to defeat them and keep the peace. As that was going on intelligence quirk users started to advance the technology introducing things like computers, cars, buses, etc." Momo shares as she continues to tell more (This is a brief description for the 1500 years since Madara was sealed).




"Ahh, so this world has changed quite a bit. It disgusts me that people are still doing bad, though I am not one to talk for all of my deeds."

"Well, you are here to do good now right?" Momo asks.

Aizawa who was ∙asleep∙ tensed up a bit. He was one of the few who knew of Madara's feats and was worried if Madara would follow the same path again.

"Of course I am. I realized my ways of attempting to achieve peace were wrong so I decided I was going to do it the right way." Madara states.

When Aizawa heard this he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in.

"Well, where do you plan on going now?" Aizawa asks. Aizawa was secretly hoping that Madara would stay because he would get to spend time with not just any Uchiha, Madara Uchiha.

"I am not sure. I just woke up so I feel like I shouldn't go to far from here." Madara answers.

"Well, considering you are knowledgeable and strong what do you become a teacher at UA. You will have a room and you'll make some money."

"I have something I need to do first and then I will give you my answer."

"Of course. Can I know what you need to do?" Aizawa asks curiously.

"I need to give someone a gift for their kindness. Someone who has passed away had taken care of the God Tree."

"Who is it?"

"I don't know yet. The WWPC told me to ask a guy named All Might about her."

"Well, he should be at UA right now so you could ask him when we get there."





Class 1-A just arrived at UA from after their Training camp was interrupted by the L.O.V. Madara joined Aizawa and the class headed to their dorms.

"So where is this All Might?" Madara asks. He and Aizawa are currently walking through UA.

"I will have Nezu start an emergency meeting. All Might will be there and the heroes will learn about your ∙awakening∙."

"That is alright. After all, I want to become a ∙hero∙ anyways. Meeting the top in Japan should show me how strong they are."

Aizawa chuckles "It's not like it matters. You are way stronger then All Might and the number 1 villain."


Aizawa and Madara talk before they reach Nezu's office. Aizawa then knocks and they hear a faint "Come in." on the other side of the door. They open the door and they see a chimera sitting in a chair.

"Good afternoon sir." Aizawa says.

"Good afternoon Aizawa... Madara." Nezu replies happily.

"Well, Nezu we need to have a meeting. I know not all the heroes know about Madara from the legends so I think they should meet him. Also, he needs to talk to All Might."

"Oh, alright I can arrange that for tomorrow considering the situation."

"Thank you..." Madara starts.

"Ahh, yes. I am Nezu, the principal of UA."

"Nice to meet you Nezu. I look forward to the meeting." Madara mentions.

Madara then walks out and heads to the UA entrance before running to the forest to build a house using Wood Style: Four-pillar House Technique. He was going to be back at UA the next day for the meeting.

Madara UchihaWhere stories live. Discover now