Discover part 1

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The time I came out as pansexual was so embarrassing, my whole family was in shock. I'm 21 now and I'm proud to say that a pansexual, cis gendered male is open for business. Just kidding ... well unless.
My names Dash, I'm 21, hardcore goth and I'm a fucking freak. Not like I stalk people freak but a sex freak. I have so many kinks and shit its fucking crazy. So I guess I'll tell them to you, first off in like 7th grade this bitch pulled my hair and I got a boner, so yeah I like my hair being pulled. My last partner choked me, I love being choked. I have a knife kink, bondage, teased, getting marked (hickeys, bite marks and scratches), RP, puppy play and I think that's it. Yep definitely not a vampire kink & blood kink or nipple play 😉😉.
I've hooked up with people the past month, they aren't like what I think, they were to simple, just a quick fuck and go. No RP or warming up, its fine I guess. Hopefully I'll find people who like the same things I do. The only reason why I'm writing this is because my therapist said to write stuff down that you would like to talk about but have no one listen. I guess it's working. I'm still new to this whole writing shit down process.
My sex drive is very interesting, I watch a lot of porn. You name it, I've watched it. My whole ass experience about my sex life is very interesting, I mean why wouldn't it be I have a body count of 41. I really do though, I wanna discover more things in life. For instance 3 ways or 4 some. FUCKING AMAZING!!! I love group sex, idk how I find these people, well I think they just find me.
To be completely honest I've never really was held up to my actual expectations of what I really want to do during sex. Like for example if and when I find someone who likes an or wants to do the things I want then I'm all set. The things I do want is to have kinda like a sex dungeon.
My absolute favorite thing is when I'm all tied up and have no control what happens to me. I'm what you call a bottom switch. Its basically a switch but I lean more toward a bottom👀. I can be a top, I would just have to be in the mood for it, but yes I can be a top too.
A lot of people who first meet me are so quick to judge, like ok I get it I'm a hard core goth looking mf but I'm not mean or scary. Tbh I'm actually a softie, unless during sex you want me to be scary then I'm all for it.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2022 ⏰

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