Chapter 11:

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Samantha was astounded at the number of vehicles parked outside Platinum, as she alighted her SUV. She looked over her shoulder casually, saw Trent removing his helmet. A furtive glance from him enquired if she was okay, she nodded almost imperceptibly. Strangely she was looking forward to the evening. Was it because she was going to be with Blake? She looked stunning tonight, dressed in a black classic cocktail skirt, a bulky designer evening top, emphasized her hour glass shape, whilst it camouflaged her weapon at her side, and just to complement the skirt, she adorned a trendy "bling" sequenced jacket. With the sexy six inch stilettos she was ready to party, not that she did much of that these days. She waited for Trent to join her. 'There's no cameras tonight, so why you all dolled up?' she teased.

'Maybe Cinderella would like me to escort her home,' he quipped.

'Good luck,' she murmured as they entered the decked out boardroom turned into ballroom at precisely seven on the dot. She scanned the room and immediately located Blake in conversation with her Director.  How she was able to pick him out in a room full of almost fifty people, she did not know.

Why the hell were so many people here?  She did not like crowds.

'Let's go say "hi" to our host,' Samantha murmured to Trent.

'I'm sure he'd prefer more than just a casual "hi",' Trent tossed.

Samantha narrowed her eyes and glared at Trent, but then Trent was not blind. Had he not personally observed how many times Blake had visited her home, and on most occasions only left some three hours later.

'Samantha, good evening. You're on time,' their eyes locked momentarily, a private exchange took place.

'I'm surprised to find her here. She avoids these kind of events,' her Director responded.

Samantha would have avoided tonight, had it not been for the precarious position, Blake had held her naked body, extracting a confirmation from her. She avoided his eyes.

'Good evening gentleman,' she greeted both men.

Trent shook hands with Blake and their Director.

'What can I get you to drink?' Blake enquired, placing his arm casually at her lower back.

It was a polite gesture, but it sent her blood sprinting through her veins. Her automatic reaction was to lean into him, but she had to exercise restraint. He also knew she would prefer a fruit drink and nothing alcoholic, but he asked anyway.

'A sweet red wine,' she smiled mischievously.

The eyebrow arched for a split second but instantly went back into position.

'St Claire you don't like alcohol!' her Director reminded her.

'I was informed we're having a party,' she tossed, not looking at Blake.

'I have just the drink for you,' he rose to the occasion and served her the exact same red wine, as his induction at her home.

'Thank you,' she smiled politely. Their eyes met as she raised the glass to her lips, and she knew Blake was awaiting her comment on the wine.

'It's like nectar, I could get used to it.'

Blake threw his head back and laughed, her Director looked surprised, Trent did not respond or react.

'Let's sample the buffet,' Blake extended his arm to her.

She accepted his arm, but when they were out of earshot, she hissed,' I told you to behave yourself.'

'I'm just being a courteous host,' he rejoined.

The buffet was exquisitely sumptuous but informal. It was not a sit down dinner. People mingled and carried their plates as they chatted with each other.

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