The Mutation

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Freddy had always been a dog person, but he was never allowed to get one because his parents were allergic to them. Until one day when someone came into their house and killed his parents. As soon as he heard his mother yell out a bloody murder scream, he hid and didn't come out until the morning came. And he didn't even go to see if his parents were ok, he just ran. He ran and ran as fast as he could and ducked into an ally way and stayed there and cried himself back to sleep. When he woke back up he felt something wet on his face, and to his shock, it was a little stray dog. For the first time in what felt like forever, even though it was only about a day, he was happy. It took Freddy and Mr. Woofy-woof (Which is what he ended up naming him) a little while to adjust but eventually, they found a way to get by in life. Freddy was still really sad about his parents But as Freddy knew, good things don't last forever. As soon as he was about to enter two years on the streets, he was crossing the road and Mr. Woofy-Woof got hit by a car. Freddy was devastated, and alone again. But then after a week, a miracle happened. Someone had seen him on the street and called the police to help him out. And not much time later, he was adopted by a nice, sweet family that took great care of him. And as soon as he knew it, 6 years had passed, and he had forgotten about everything that happened, now and then the old memories would cross his mind, and he would get upset about it but then he would think about the future and he would be ok. But then one night as he was laying in bed he heard a voice or a whimper, but when he looked around no one was there. But then He heard it again and when he looked to his right, there was a dog that looked vaguely familiar and when he thought about it he realized. It was Mr. Woofy-Woof.

"T-this can't be!" Freddy said in total shock beginning to cry. "I saw u get hit, I had to watch u die!"

"Freddy" The dog Spoke back. "How could you let me die?" "How could you let me go?" "Why didn't you call for help?"

"I-" Freddy started to say. But then all could hear was a ringing noise in his ear, and then the word, "Why?" Then everything went dark. When he had woken back up, all he could hear was a woman screaming. It was his adopted mother. 

"Mom, what is it?' Freddy asked, or at least what he meant to, but all that came out was an odd talking, growl noise. He ran to the mirror and to his shock, he was a monster. He looked like a human collided with a dog, a mutant. He ran to try and tell his mother, but it was too late. She had already called animal patrol and they had just busted in to take him away, but when they saw him they freaked out. Most ran away, but one stayed and pulled out a gun. It was over, not just for Freddy, but for his dog which he used to love. And then there it was the sound of a fired gun.

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