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AN: Hey, as you noticed I'm writing canon first and everything else second.

*It's Hermione and Ron's 5th year and this will be short so yeah.*

Hermione was studying for potions while Ron was doodling on his parchment thinking about how to ask Hermione out, but got jolted out of his thoughts by the love of his life, Hermione Jean Granger.

"What are you thinking about Ronald?" Hermione asked Ron, starring him down.

"Um, how to ask a girl out."Ron said bashfully.

"Well why don't you just ask her out?"

"Because I'm scared she'll say no!" Ron raised his voice earning a few stares from other students but as soon as Hermione stared back at them they all went back to what they were doing previously.

"Who is she?"

"You." Ron said quietly but still loud enough for her to hear and she turned beet red. "D-Do you want to go out with me?" Ron asked swallowing the lump in his throat.

"I-I would love to." Hermione said making Ron turn the same color as her. "So we are dating now." Hermione stated but it sounded more like a question.

"Yeah, guess so." Ron responded and they both laughed.

AN:Again not a shipper and also again I don't judge. Yes I put that I don't judge because I will not judge what ships people do and don't like.

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