I meet the devil

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Thanks a lot Justa5sosreject for helping me with this chapter !
And I think every single person on this planet should read her books because I'm super glued to her book and she is like one great writer.
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"Listen I'm sorry again for slapping you, even though you sort of deserved it." I tease him. I don't know what it is but I feel comfortable with this guy already.
"It's fine Ver." His electric blue eyes meet my own.
"So tell me, do you always invite strange girls who just slapped you out for coffee?" I lean forward on my palm.
"No, you're the first. I can't promise you won't be the last though." He teases me right back. Oh, he has a sense of humour? Brilliant!

"You're a funny guy Ryan." I glance at him and roll my eyes. Then I wave the waitress over and we order our drinks. If he's paying, I might as well go large mocha.

We drink our coffee in a comfortable silence and when I finish I clear my throat.
"Tell me about yourself."

"There's a lot to tell."

"Mysterious." I shoot him a wink. "No, seriously, give me a fact about you."
"I'm born on 22ed July "
"Wow. That must have been the most interesting thing ever!" My sarcasm is sensed because he grins, revealing dimples to die for. Damn, if he wasn't so cute, I'd have left already.

"Well, I know about myself already but beautiful girls like you, now that's who I want to learn about." He holds his hand out for mine.

"Do lines like that work?" I glance down at his hand and smirk.

"All the time." He says it slowly and his voice takes on a husky low growl sort of thing, which does stuff to my insides. Instead of waiting for my hand, he takes it anyway. The shock of the heat of his skin makes me gasp but I mange to hide it by faking a small cough.
"Ryan, you seem quite sure of yourself."
"Do I?" He plays with my fingers all the while not taking his eyes off mine.
"Yes." I pray my voice won't break.
"Want to get out of here?" The question jolts me back to reality.

"Excuse me?" I pull my hand away quickly.

"The signs were." I don't let him finish his sentence.

"Do I look like the type of girl who'd do that on a first date? Honestly, guys like you make me sick, you really do." I avoid eye contact as I gather my things, climbing up out of my seat.

"Ver! I was joking."

"That's all good but I'm not." I then do make the mistake of looking into his eyes. Damn those eyes! Damn that face!

"Call me?" He rises out of his seat and leans forward towards me. I swear he is going to kiss me. Only, instead of pressing his lips to my own he presses them against my cheek and then lets me go.
"Maybe." I turn on my heel and stroll out, making sure I sway my best asset as I do so. There! He will see what he is missing!
Once I get out on the street, I stop and inhale deeply. Fresh air is exactly what I need right now. Call him? We both know I will. Crap! I'm in trouble. My mother warned me to stay away from guys who know their effect on me but here's me going on a date with one. We also both know, that there will be date number two...

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