Chapter 1

188 11 6

Word Count: 3,334

TW: small blood mention, mention of a weapon


Dark streaks of lightning fell on the now darkened arena and was now basked in a dark red light, the blue fires were extinguished in the blink of an eye after the Demon was killed. The demons arranged around the arena gave one more unearthly screech then disappeared just as fast as they arrived, the sound reverberating loudly throughout the hellish scene. The bubbling of the lava surrounding them floated up to the four figures still in the arena.

Time had fallen to the hard ground after exerting so much energy, the clock regularly covering his face was askew, and a small piece of it had fallen to the path. Underneath the mask, his face was pale and scraped from the amount of power he'd used, and from the fireballs that had flown out of the fighting ground during that battle.

The Steve inhaled a shaky breath and directed his blurry gaze at his two friends who were both still inside that arena. He wanted to shout for them to get out of that horrible fighting ground, but his lips wouldn't move, and his limbs were somewhat unresponsive to his commands. He witnessed along with Dark, the injuries that Sabre had attained during that terrible fight, he saw the countless streaks of blue glowing lightning that fell upon his friend, without pause or mercy. Even if he could move, he couldn't help his friend without injuring himself in the process, but he had to do something now.

Some time passed, then his limbs slowly began to respond, and he finally stood, slowly. His entire body quivered as he stumbled down the steps to the lowered arena, and the three figures standing in the arena. His footsteps were sluggish and his breathing was labored and heavy, but he could still make out his surroundings. As he got closer, he saw the remains of the bolts of lightning on the ground and some splatters of blood on the arena and finally saw Dark kneeling next to an unconscious Sabre, and had a shaky hand on his shoulder, with a gray light emitting from his fingertips. Time knew instantly that he was using the last of his energy to heal Sabre as much as he could.

Sabre had Dark's cloak wrapped around his shoulders, and his iron sword had fallen out of his grip and clattered to the ground a few meters away from where they sat. His normal attire of a green sweatshirt and pants were scorched and ripped, and through the tears, Time could faintly see the remains of some lightning and fireball burns. His concern for his friends multiplied tenfold, Dark shouldn't be using that much power.

Time called out his name, a hint of a smile in his voice. "Dark?"

Dark turned and returned the little smile at his friend, but still had his hand on Sabre's shoulder. "Hey man. Are you doing alright?"

As he got closer, Time saw his hand was trembling and the gray light wasn't a soft gray, it was a sickly color and even though Sabre was benefiting from this, Dark wasn't.

Time scoffed and knelt next to his friend. "I should be asking you that question, you're exhausted, and you're shivering."

He quickly took his coat off and placed it around Dark's shoulders. He placed his hand on Dark's and looked up at him. His friend's face was just as pale as his, and he was shaking the slightest bit, but even so, he was trying to hide it.

"Dark.. just.." Time quietly said and delicately pried his hand off Sabre's shoulder, "I got this man."

Dark glanced up at his friend and clenched his fist. "Time.. you can't help Sabre, you're already drained too. You've done more in this battle than I have."

"I'm aware this will drain me, but it would be better than letting his condition get worse." Time replied, "Sabre didn't have the Shadow Sword with him, and.. he used the Dark Crystal a lot. You rely on the Dark Crystal for power and your life force comes from that. Even though you didn't fight, you still helped me."

𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐏𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐬- A Rainbow Quest AUWhere stories live. Discover now