Monday Evening

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Percy POV
After I handled the whole Cecilia situation at lunch the rest of the day went smoothly.
But one thing Annabeth said this morning was still bothering me. She said that she didn't want to mess up my life or anything I had with my friends here.
Does she really feel that?
Does she actually think she's messing up my life?
Heck she is my life.
Right now we are in her room. She just finished homework which she didn't have too much of since it was only Monday. I had her wrapped up in my arms as we laid on her bed watching a movie, I don't think either of us was really paying attention too it though.
I really couldn't get what she said this morning off my mind and I figured since we weren't busy or paying attention to the movie I could try to talk to her about it now. I slow reached up to her laptop, paused the movie, and moved the laptop off of us. I then shifted a little so I could see her face better.
"Annabeth can we talk about something?" I ask nervously. She then shifts and turns more towards me.
"Sure Seaweed Brain what's up?"
"I just wanted to ask you about something you said in the car this morning. You said that you didn't want to mess up my life or get in the way of anything I have here. I guess my question is do you really feel like your messing my life or something? Cause I promise you aren't and I'm sorry if I did or said something to make you feel that way Wise Girl"
She looks down and away from me and then looks back at me after a few seconds.
"No Percy, you didn't do or say anything to make me feel that way. With me coming to Goode and sorta entering your mortal, more normal life it was just a fear I had. I know school has been better for you this year, and you've made more friends, and have been enjoying it more in general, and I was nervous that all of us coming here would interrupt your life and mess everything up for you and you wouldn't exactly want us here, that you wouldn't want me here."

I'm honestly a little shocked right now. How could she ever think that I wouldn't want her by my side. I mean with that big, beautiful, child of Athena brain of hers I knew she could think of anything and everything but still.

"Annabeth Chase, don't ever think that there will be a time when I don't want you by my side. I don't care if we're in school, at camp, fight monsters, or whatever else we could be doing, you are the one I want with me no matter what. And you're right I have been making more friends and enjoying school this year but now it's even better that you and the rest of the seven are here. I like my mortal friends, their cool, but they could never understand me the way you and our demigod friends do. And I'm so glad y'all here because even though I do have friends it gets lonely without people who actually know me and understand my life. So please never think that you are messing up my life here because that is not the case. Heck how could you ever mess up my life when you are my life?"
I finish my speech with that sappy line and a wink. I can see her looking down to hide her blush so I take her chin and lift her head up to look at me.
Our eyes lock and she looks at my with a smile on her face.
She then shakes her. "I don't know what I did to deserve you Seaweed Brain. But I do know that I love you."
She then starts to lean closer and of course I have to ruin the moment.
"Wow Wise Girl doesn't know something for once?"
That earns me a slight knock on the head and an eye roll. But then I get a kiss right after so it wasn't so bad.

Okay sorry this was so short but here's another chapter! I really hope you guys like the recent updates(Ik I'm a little rusty with my writing but I'm trying). Also a lot like my life right now I have absolutely no clue what I'm doing with this book! Yay!
So if y'all have any and I mean ANY recommendations or suggestions or comments just let me know!
I hope y'all are all doing well and having a good day/morning / night / whenever your reading this! Love y'all and thank y'all for all of the support <3

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