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"He did what?" Hannah and Lola said together, not quite believing everything Hallie was saying. They were in Hannah's parent's kitchen on the first Friday night of a new school year after they had kindly said Hannah could have some of the team over before they had to start their training for all the competitions coming up.

"I know. But I think he was doing it so I don't get hurt in the long run..."

"No, sorry, I don't believe that. Stop defending him, he is being such a dick!" Lola replied, walking over to Hallie with a glass of vodka and coke. "Drink this, it will make you forget about him, I'm sure."

Hallie smiled nervously and sipped at the drink, knowing how strong Lola liked to make them. "Oh god Lola, are you trying to kill me?"

"I hope not..."

The girls turned around, recognising the male voice and stopped in their tracks as Harry smiled back at them.

"Girls, can I steal Hallie from you for a minute?" he asked politely.

Hannah and Lola looked over at Hallie who couldn't take her eyes off of him and nodded. "Just bring her back without any tears please. This is meant to be a fun gathering and I'm not having you cause trouble", Hannah said, watching them intensely as they made their way out the back doors to the heated conservatory where Riley and James were sat.

Hannah and Lola ran over to the window, sipping at their drinks, watching and waiting to see the drama unfold between them.

"So, what do you want Harry?" Hallie said, pulling a face as she sipped at her drink.

"I needed to speak to you..."

"No, you don't get to decide that! You put me in a position where I had to defend you, again, where I had to bend my morals and go against everything that I believe in because I like you!" she said, her voice getting louder and louder as the pain and fury built in her body.

"Well stop liking me then Hallie!" Harry shouted back.

"I can't!" she shouted.

"Well, that's the problem between us Hallie, we can't work out because things just get in the way..."

"No, the problem was you had a girlfriend and still decided to kiss me and make out that we actually had something." She breathed heavily as she clenched her fists, staring at him like he was the worst possible thing that could have entered her life.

"Fine. I'm done with this bullshit", Harry exclaimed.

"Great, me too! Glad we agree!" Hallie replied.

Harry looked at the floor then back up at her, catching her staring at him. Her nostrils were flared with anger which turned him on even more and abruptly he stepped towards her, pushing his fingers through her hair as he kissed her with such intent there was no way she was going to stop him. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him in closer like he had the oxygen she needed to breathe; she couldn't get enough of him. He was what she had been undeniably needing for weeks, for months, ever since he had kissed her that night a couple of months ago.

They broke off, breathing heavily as they came up for air, like they'd been underwater and had only just realised what they needed from each other. She brushed her fingers over his cheeks, looking at his lips that had kissed with such passion. The energy between them grew stronger and more apparent and even they realised how much they had been wanting the same thing.

"I actually think I feel a little stronger than just liking you Hallie", he whispered under his breath so that she could only just about hear. He had completely fallen for her, and it was like she was the last to know.

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