Chapter 5

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Our wedding day was one of the best days of our lives.

The church was beautifully decorated, All of our family and friends were there. But most importantly Billy and I would be together forever from this day forward. Billy was waiting at the alter for me, his two cousins and my brother were his groomsmen
Dakota,Cara, Christen, and Chloe were my bridesmaids. Daddy walked me down the aisle and all I could see was Billy. Daddy gave Billy my hand and we said our vows as Billy and I exchanged rings. He gently slid my ring on to my finger and I did the same for him. The Pastor said I now prounce you man and wife. Billy, dipped me and we kissed. Everyone cheered happily as we walked down the aisle now Mr and Mrs William Bonney. We had our wedding pictures taken and we cut the cake, and then our favorite part started, Billy gently took me in his arms as we danced to our love song. Seven Spanish angels. As we danced it was if there was no one else but us and we liked it. After the reception, we went on our honeymoon to my dad's cottage that he rents out. Billy gingerly lifted me and carried me over the threshold and into the house. It was the best day ever and it just keeps getting better

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