You and your nonsense...

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sometimes, I just want to run away. But I'm coping. Just like everyone else, just like her.


I don't know... but I decided to share this. Why not, it might just rot here. no beta just me and my brain<3 and I remember listening to chasing pavements by ADELE YAS. while writing this so yep. try reading it that way. lol

Random dialogues with Mr. and Mrs. Roronoa that is so confusing but I hope u understand the magic plot stuff lol haha I love this.
hehe, cuties it's about... I don't know yet I'll surprise you. USE YOUR IMAGINATION I AINT EXPLAINING THIS HAHA NO ACTION INDICATOR? WHA-

(Robin) How could such a wonderful day be so?... dreadful?

(Zoro) Hey. What's the matter?

(Robin) Oh, Am I that obvious? fufufu.

(Zoro) Well. Yeah, So.. What bugging your mind woman?Do you want to sleep or something?

(Robin) that's the case. I can't relax.. it is indeed a calm day.

(Zoro) Hmm, how come? it is nice, isn't it?

(Robin) It just feels odd.

(Zoro) Why is that?

(Zoro) I know you woman... you worried about something. and you just want me to listen and comfort you. hehe, that's easy. yeah, your way is obvious unlike before. I just can't bear looking at your poker face. I want you to smile. Tell me, babe. I'm here. always.

(Robin) Uhm, you see.

(Zoro) ... go on babe.

(Robin) ... I-

(Zoro) It's up to you whether you talk about your feelings or not.

(Robin) I know these are minor things. But.. I'm trying to get better at the things I'm not good at. I-I'm trying to change little by little. But I still have a lot to learn.

(Zoro) I hear you.

Sometimes we need to focus on what's in front of us. I'm here now Robin, You don't have to go through this alone... we're here now.

(Robin) hmm. I remember you can be so cheesy. no?

(Zoro) this is basically going to happen for 7 more months? I can do this!

(Zoro) tsk your testing me or is this real?

(Robin) Didn't you just tell me you heard me? or that's not real?

(Zoro) WHaT? Robin.. babe. I didn't mean that.

(Robin) I feel awful. worrying about me.

(Zoro) I WILL feel awful not worrying about you worrying?... of course I'm always here for you to lean on to. I can't have you stressing now? can we?

(Robin) hmm good reasoning, that's on point.

(Zoro) So.. approved?

(Robin) Yes, Best husband ever.

(Zoro) So can we stop the foreplay so I can kiss you now?

(Robin) Yes, Go on fufufu Thank you. Darling.

(Zoro) I love you.

(Robin) I love you more.

(Robin) We all need a person, who will stay by our side no matter how crazy we are. Someone who understands, who relates, who listens and, someone who loves you the same amount you do.

Yes, I found that person who I can stay with.

(Zoro) Sometimes, I just want to run away. But I'm coping. Just like everyone else, just like her.

Yes, I found someone who I can run away with... a-and care for of course.

Why are you giggling about tsk? You go tell them you love them or else we will steal them. RIght Robin?

Yes. I approve threesome.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2021 ⏰

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