New Demigod

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The village hidden in the leaves Konohagakure, known as the strongest village in the elemental nations, known for its famous shinobi, near perfect environment, kind and friendly citizens who are all prospering under the rule of the Sandaime Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi. However it was not always like this; for twelve years prior, catastrophe struck in the form of the Kyuubi no Kitsune. It seemingly appeared out of nowhere and started laying waste to the village and it citizens. It was only due to the Yondaime Hokage, Minato Namikaze 'sacrificing his life' to defeat the beast did the village survive.

A 5-year-old Naruto Uzumaki clad in his usual attire of his orange jumpsuit and blue sandals can be seen walking through the streets of Konoha with the villagers giving him a wide berth as if he were the plague taken human form. Shoulders sagged, hands in his pockets and a near dead look in his eyes, wondering to himself what he had done to be treated like this.

"Demon Scum."



"The Sandaime should have finished what the fourth started."

"Don't worry, our next play session will lift your sour mood."

"Why don't you just die and save us the trouble."

You see for as long as he had been able to remember, the villagers would always treat him like dirt. They would do any and everything in their power to make his life miserable. From refusing him service in shops, parents telling their kids to ignore him, and the glares and harsh words they would always throw his way. But that was just they did to break him emotionally. Whenever they felt like it they would form mobs and chase him, and whenever they caught him they would not go easy on him. Everything from stabbing, burning, beating, electrocuting, any and everything they could think of to hurt him they would do it, and because they wanted his life to be his own personal hell, they would always leave him right at death's door, never pushing him through knowing that he would heal so they can do it all over again.

He was furious with everything. He was 3 when he was kicked out the orphanage. He had to live on the streets for a month before anyone bothered to look for him and never once was he shown any compassion. Unbeknownst to the rest of village he was incredibly clever, having genius levels of intelect and near perfect memory control. He knew that the hokage was just using him, he could see it in small gestures such as coercing him to become a shinobi, anytime he mentioned a different career path he could see the tense and almost angry face he has, all the while pretending to be a loving grandfather figure.

Not realizing where his feet had taken him, he looked up to see a training ground plastered with warning signs around it. The Forest Of Death. As people would call it, the biggest training ground in Konoha. Reserved for the Chunin exams or shinobi willing to risk their life to train. Any sane person would turn around and walk away and they'd be right. Naruto collected himself calmly and was set to walk away, when a chunin spotted him near the grounds. If it were any other civilian he would have told them to walk away but since it was the demon brat as they called him, he called for his death and chased Naruto with a sword out. Naruto knew he couldn't out run him or trick him so the safest option to avoid torture was going inside the Forest. He ran to the gate of the forest and saw a small hole in the dense rusty gate that wouldn't fit any adult, thank God he wasn't one.

He squeezed his way through the gate as fast as he could ignoring the scrapes given to him by the metal bars. He got up and ran deep within the deadly forest. The chunin merely scoffed and hoped the animals in forest would give him a painful death.

After running for ten minutes straight he took a break to regain his breath. After realizing that nobody was chasing him he calmly walked through the forest looking carefully making sure nothing was near him. After nearly an hour of traversing through the forest he stumbled upon a cave entrance. Not thinking it to be dangerous he walked in carefully looking for some sort of refuge for the night.

He thought he might be saved soon, but then he snorted, "As if that hokage would care that I'm gone, it will probably take him a week to see I'm missing and the only reason he'll want me back is to turn me into weapon." Stated Naruto venomously.

Naruto paced around the cave constantly, planning different ways to survive and gather food for himself. He felt content in there with no interference from the villagers and shinobi alike. It brought him a sense of freedom. He then looked up to the tunnel leading deep within, and went inside the dark abyss. As he walked, the scrapes on his arms and legs from the gate leaked blood if only a small amount. As the droplets hit the stone floor it seeped through and produced a feint glow that naruto didn't see. Naruto walked slowly through the tunnel expecting to find something at the end, but it just turned out to be a dead end. As he turned around to go back to the cave entrance he heard a loud crack.

Naruto looked in terror, "Oh no." The floor started to crack and expand, he tried running quickly but got consumed by the crumbling floor. He screamed loudly as he blacked out.

He woke up from his blackout in pain, it was taking alot not to scream and cry as he felt like some of his bones were broken. He could also feel the blood seeping from a wound on the top of his hard. Naruto slowly stood up and looked around the room. The cavern was bare and you could hardly see anything inside of it. He searched for the nearest wall to help him keep his balance. As his blood stained hand touched the wall it started glowing in golden light with intricate patterns. It lit up the room enough to see some if the drawings and items in the room. The drawings portrayed people with interesting powers.

"Must be unique chakra techniques," mumbled Naruto. The items in the room were full of dust. Items that looked black with medium sized metal pellets in them and papers scattered everywhere. Naruto crouched to pick one up but quickly realized he couldn't read it, it didn't seem like Kanji at all. He continued walking in the cavern looking through more items, like small knives and big versions of that bullet machine. After walking for some time he arrived at what seemed to be a box.

The box was see through with the same golden glow as the walls. Inside the box looked like a stone that was brightly shining different colours, it was almost the size of his fist. It seemed to be almost pulsing. Naruto decided to test his luck. He slowly moved his fingers to touch the box, as he did his blood coated fingers touched the box and it exploded in golden sparkles. The stone seemed shine even brighter as the box was destroyed. In an instant the stone shot forward at him and phased into his chest.

Naruto fell to floor," ahhhhhhhhhhhh," he started screaming and thrashing as the pain hurt him more than anything before.

Deep within the recess of his mind a giant red eye opened. It gazed curiously from its prison as he could feel something happening to his host. His chakra system burned brighter and his antonomy of his bones and muscles changed. He wondered what caused all this as he couldn't gaze into the outside world yet. As he came out of his thinking, he saw a multi coloured stone floating near the gate of his prison. Without warning it moved like a bullet hitting the cage. The stones power spread out through the cage and began releasing enormous amounts of energy. Kyuubi started backing up deeper in his prison as even he felt that this power was far greater than him. Echoes surrounded the room, the sound was made from cracks in the gate. In an explosion of golden light the prison bars were shattered by the power, and released everywhere in naruto's body. Some shards of the prison moved at very fast speeds and even hit kyuubi overwhelming him with the power and knocking him out.

As this was happening inside his body, naruto's body outside felt like it was on fire. Golden energy coated Naruto and expelled itself. It formed a large explosion destroying the cavern and cave he was in and launching him through the dense rock outside in the Forest.

Naruto's body lay on the Forest floor unmoving. The last thing you could see was the Golden light seep back into Naruto.

Words: 1528

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