Chapter 12

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Hey, before this chapter starts I just wanted to remind you guys that none of the students are aware about the theory of a traitor. The UA teachers think it is a possibility and it's being investigated by the school. That is all, enjoy! :)

Yumie POV:

I walk downstairs for breakfast, only to be greeted with the news blasting at a high volume. "Someone turn that damn TV down. It's too early for this" I call from the kitchen as I open the fridge door. "Shhh". My eyes go wide. "Who the fuck just told me to shush. We're going to have problems" I crack my knuckles and glare at the backs of those watching the television. "Apologies, Yumie. But there is a news report on about a new vigilante that attacked someone last night" Yaomomo says. Damn, there is stuff out about me already? I guess attacking one of the hero commissions main sponsors really payed off. "Really? What's their name?" I ask curiously, a little interested on what they've said about me on the news. "They go by the name Venom and are thought to be armed and dangerous. The commission has only known about them for a day, yet they are this afraid of them already. That has to say something" Midoriya analyses, going into his mumbling state. "Well I don't care who this dumb villain is, I'll kick their ass!" Bakugou enthuses. I let out a loud laugh, drawing the attention of those in the room. "What is so funny Yumie?" Iida asks sternly. I raise a brow and scoff at the TV, "I just think it's a little pathetic you know?". They all look at me confused. "One person attacks someone one time and now the heroes are on super high alert? They even called this vigilante 'armed and dangerous' when, lets be real, they have no idea what this persons morals or goals are. And they have no idea how powerful they may be. For gods sake they don't even know if this is just someone acting on impulse, or if this is an actual threat. It just sounds kinda silly to me from the information we've been given. They're making a big deal about nothing special". Some people nod in agreement while others question my words. "Yumie's right. I think we should just dismiss this problem until it's been proven to be something significant" Momo adds, smiling in my direction. "Whatever. Its not like I cared about the stupid extra anyway" Bakugou stomps off back to his room. I go back to finding myself some breakfast, I'm starving.

Deku POV:

I'm unsure how to feel about what Yumie just said. She's been acting weird lately. I mean, everything she said was true, but I didn't know what to think about the way she worded it. She's never really had an opinion on things like this until now. There is the possibility this is the first time she's voiced these thoughts, despite already thinking them earlier. And that makes sense. But there is something else. It's the way she talked about the heroes. She spoke with contempt, and it was laced with distaste. Which is quite a strange attitude for a hero course student. I decide to take a mental note to talk to All Might about it later. I'll make sure to keep an eye out for any other peculiar behaviour from her for now.

Yumie POV:

I noticed that Midoriya side-eyed me during my speech. I think he took note of my scornful tone towards the heroes. He's probably hyper analysing me in his head, which is the opposite of what I want. He's an intuitive over-thinker and sometimes he pays a little too much attention. That can be threatening to my place at UA, which is a crucial part in my mission. I've found lots of useful information about the heroes and students at this school, past and present, just from short trips to the information room. Imagine how much more I could learn when I get deeper into the files. My thoughts reseed into the back of my mind as Iida yells, "Come on class, time to finish getting ready and head to the first period".  A few people yell back in acknowledgement. I'm too busy thinking about how Midoriyas eyes watched me from behind as I walked back to my dorm room. He's keeping an eye on me. I'm gonna need to watch my back and be more cautious. Because if he knows something, he'll go straight to the teachers. All Might to be specific. Then I'd have the bigger issue of having the authorities on my back. If worse comes to worst then I will have to take Deku out of the picture, as much as I'd hate things to result in that. But there was always going to be some necessary evil on the way to achieving my goal. I go to open the door to my room, only to be interrupted by a tap on my shoulder. I'm surprised to see Bakugou with his hand outstretched, still hovering over my shoulder. "Whats up-?" I say. "-Why are you here?" He interrupts, glaring at me harshly, the look of an ulterior motive in his eyes. I raise a brow, unsure of where the direction of this conversation is going. "What do you mean? You're the one that came to see me". "Thats not what I meant dumbass. Why did you come to UA?". I pause for a second. Why did I come to UA? It certainly wasn't for the same reason I'm here now. Which is to get information for the league. I scan around the hallway, trying to find something to focus my eyes on whilst i think. "I'm not completely sure". His eyes grow softer as a look of curiosity falls upon his face. "I think it was to prove a point. To everyone that has ever doubted my ability to be good. To do good. I want to prove them wrong", I smile. He hides his face. "You already are good, stupid serpent" I chuckle lightly at his antics, "Is that all you wanted?". "Yeah, now get ready. You're not even in uniform yet. There is only another 15 minutes before we need to leave for first period". My eyes blow open "Huh". I run into my room, slamming the door behind me. I'm gonna be late. I hear Bakugou's loud and obnoxious laugh sound from the other side of the door. Stupid Pomeranian.

Venom - MHA/BNHA x OCWhere stories live. Discover now