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Leo was prepared for just about anything, but even he had to admit that the apparatus in front of him confused him. There were multiple rectangles carved into the sand of the area where the games had been played yesterday, a line drawn directly through the middle of each one. There were thirteen courts, each with a bench on one side. "Please arrange yourselves in team of twelve for the next game."

Leo watched as those around him milled together to form groups. Libra and Taurus stood with Scorpio, Virgo and Capricorn, the group scanning the crowd for worthy prospects to their team. Of course, Leo wasted no time in rushing over, wanting to side with Scorpio. The guy had muscle on him, and Leo would rather have him as a teammate than a competitor. "So. I've decided I want to join your team," he said, smirking at Taurus.

"Do we have to let this geezer on?" she asked, looking at Libra. "Who uses the word 'geezer' anymore?" came an all-too-familiar female voice.


"Join us, Leo," Scorpio beckoned. "As for you..."

The group regarded Gemini as Leo stepped over to stand by them when she noticed Aries. "Hey, Aries-"

"Join our team, man!" he called, gesturing toward him.

"Sure, I guess," Aries replied, heading on over. "Can Cancer-"


Cancer, the sullen-faced one, walked over. "Sagittarius, here!" Libra welcomed his little girlfriend to the team, all smiles as she came up next to him. Taurus looked slightly disgruntled but the notable reaction was Scorpio's. His fists balled, Aries observed, as he moved closer to Libra, almost as if he were protective of his bunkmate.

"Pisces! Aquarius! Over here!"

"The game will begin in ten seconds. Please sit down once you have a team of twelve."

Gemini smirked at Leo knowingly. "You have to let me on your team now."

"Fine, whatever," said Capricorn. "She's so concerned about saving her butt, she'll save ours too."

"The game before you today is dodgeball. You will be facing off against another team in this room at one of the courts. There are 26 teams of 12, and 13 courts with 5 balls each. Balls will be placed on the line until the game begins. Once the game begins, members from both teams can attempt to take them. The balls must then be thrown at the opposition in an attempt to hit them and get them out. No resurrections are allowed. The last team left standing wins. The other is eliminated. Staff will now direct you to your courts."

The team rose, following a masked worker to a court on the far left of the game space. Cancer blanched as he realised that the blood of the players who had been shot was in the sand he was walking on as the team spread out across a court. They were facing across a rather buff group of young men, tatted up and looking intimidating.

"We have girls on this team!" Leo whined. "That's really unfair!"

"For them" Gemini added, smirking. "Although, Blondie here might be a hindrance to our success."

Sagittarius smiled a secret smile. This Gemini character was starting to grow on her.

"Players, please prepare to take the balls. The game starts...


Leo rushed forward, as did Taurus. The two made a grab for the balls, taking back four (Taurus had to wrestle one out of a short, muscly man's hands). While Taurus retreated, Leo stepped forward confidently, daring the other team to make the first move.

Eventually, they cracked, throwing a ball right at Libra's face. With all the agility of an athlete, Scorpio wrapped his arms around Libra's torso, pulling him out of the way of the ball. Behind Libra stood Capricorn, who adeptly caught the ball, grinning as the thrower took a seat on the bench.

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