Chapter 1

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|Work and an unknown dream|

          Zetra woke up with a startle. She groans for the hundred of times. Her mother just died last year so it's took tole on her body. Her father on the other hand stayed abroad to pay up they're expenses. 

          Too much death made her feel dull. It's not like she couldn't move, but she barely smile anymore. The death of her mother really changes everything. Even her father who keep on visiting her once every year now can only call her when he wanted to. 

          She's now 19 years of  age, and was an office lady. Until yesterday, she finally lost it and yelled at her boss with curses and she got fired. 'Yeah, that's kinda my fault' she thought before she stood up from her bed and went to her bathroom to clean up. 

          Finally in a more suitable clothes, a bark of a dog were heard across the room, and as if on cue, Fritz came in with barks all over the  place. "Now, now. We don't want to clean this place up.. again are we?" The dog only tilts it's head confuse. 

          "Okay, let's go" she don't want to talk to him like crazy and a mad man.. er woman...

           Fritz came running towards his own dog bowl when Zetra called his name for the second time. Though, it is weird naming him Fritz among all other names. She just feel like it's unfair and wrong to name him when she knew that someone have the same name as her dog. According to her diary that is. However, she really love the name fritz for some reason. That person must be really important to me before....


           The rest of their time were spending eating their meals as she wash the dishes after while Fritz storm around the room happily. Sometimes she just wish to be a dog. Even though she would starve very often without a good owner. At least she would have to work to earn money.

          Even though that's how it works...

          She silently laugh at her self. She went to grab her apartment's keys and walks towards the main exit, leaving Fritz inside with a food enough for later afternoon and a clean water for him to drink.

          Without a job really shows how human needed money. Soon, she wouldn't have enough money to pay up her apartment or even buy a meal for her and her pet dog. 

           Arriving at a market and paying up the cab, she went towards the counter to see a woman with bright brown hair. "Um, miss. I heard there's a free vacant for a part time job?" she asked the woman who had given her a curios look.

           The woman isn't seem to be bad, but she isn't the type to go laughing as well. The woman still answered her with a nod though, much to Zetra's relief. She silently led Zetra towards a male employee and spoke up before leaving the area to go do her own business. 

          "I will be the one to guide you today. No funny business otherwise, you'll have to leave. Also, the manager's away so do your job precisely. We'll be paying you depending on your work fairly with the others. And lastly, your job is to arrange the new products and put them on they're required places"

           The instructions were simple enough. She and an another part timer name's Eddie was a good guy. He teaches her how to never steal or take any products which is pretty funny because he once did, and he only payed after he finish eating a box of jellybeans.

           Thank God for the fact that his literally the Manager's adopted son or else she wouldn't have know where he'd get landed his self to.

            "I know, definitely in prison" Zetra smiled at the woman. After a couple of chats and talks, she finally found out Her name. Amilda was a woman with a child after she got drunk in her teens. She was sent away by her family and now she lived all alone. Until she met Eddie that is.

            She and Eddie became friends after a month which was very funny. Her child was named Ellie. Of course she learned everything from Eddie.

            After curses and attempts of killing the poor guy.

            God I can't blame her, I will definitely will as well if I were in her case...

            The clock finally hit the late noon and the shift of part timers are done. She bid the bright brown haired woman along with Eddie after she received her earned money.

"Where to miss?"

"Second street west"

           Paying up the taxi driver, she quickly open her apartment door, when she notice a newspaper. She slowly grab them tiredly before entering the apartment.

            Inside she saw Fritz sleeping on her favorite couch. "I'll forgive you this time... God Im tired..."

           She slowly went to the kitchen, grabbing Fritz's two bowl, one for his meal and for his water and added her dog's bowl with three set of chickens she brought after leaving the market before she refill Fritz's water into his bowl.

            She then went to her bathroom to clean up and changes her dress into more comfortable ones before she landed on her bed falling a sleep over a second.

Her dream this time is weird.

            She was walking in an empty street. She couldn't see anyone but her own two feet. Suddenly, a yell was heard a couple away from her.

As if calling her name...


           The voice of a little girl giggling was heard. It was weird, but not because at the fact she's all alone in a dark hazy void. But instead of being scared... She feel like she knew who that was...

           She wanted to know who and why she wanted to cry so badly.

           A sudden touch on her shoulder made her jolt in surprise. This time, felt relief and comfortable. As if she wanted the person back then to pat her head as well.


           It was weird and creepy at the same time. The scenery for the first time changes into more.. familiar one. At least for Her she new... Once... Was it before the incident?

A place like a restaurant?

            Then suddenly a familiar voice of a boy, who you know nothing spoke up. "Remember"

"It's me"

Zetra woke up with her guard on high.

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