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"I will NOT allow you to abuse my servants!"

"They burnt my breakfast!"

The cacophony of shouting echoes throughout the manner. Tanaka observes with impassion and perhaps, slight amusement.

Sebastian and Claude find themselves exploring the Phantomhive woods often, despite their Masters' allowances for heir relationship. Sebastian, though not a romantic, finds the atmosphere comforts his partner.

Claude leans on a branch, staring at the sky above through a break in the tree cover. Sebastian perches beside him, observing the Phantomhive manor. "You'll wrinkle your suit," the dark-eyed butler comments.

"My Master and yours wouldn't notice, they're so self-absorbed," he swirls some sparkling champagne in a flute glass, inspecting it for impurities. "All humans are,"

"Oh, I'd say some demons are as well," he looks across at Claude. "When they discover the most exquisite soul, they'll do anything to have it. We are deceptive creatures,"

"Are you accusing me of something?"

"No, if I suspected you, you'd be dead already,"

"I know," Claude reaches up, taking the other demon's smooth hand in his. "I'm rather tempted to say I love you,"

Sebastian watches the Manor House. A still image that might as well be captured in a photograph. "As am I,"

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