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On Air With Ryan Seacrest
Ryan: "Is there a song that is a response to
"In Case" ? Did you ever think about that?"

Justin: "No, but I think a lot of my inspiration comes from her."

Justin: "It's a long relationship, yeah,
real relationship. That created heartbreak, and created happiness and a lot of different emotion that I want to write about."

Ryan:"And It's on this album?"
Justin: "Yeah, there's a lot of that in this album."
Ryan: "Okay, alright, just checking, just checking on you man.
Okay, If you don't mind, let me change the subject for a second. "
Justin: "yeah, sure man.
You can ask me anything."

* A sudden silence fills the studio*

Ryan: "How can you do this?"

Justin: "How do I do what?"

Ryan: "How do you deal with all this? All this judgement, all this hate, Like how did you get through that?"

Justin: "I'm going to be honest with you. The people I surround myself with really help me. They keep me humble. Hope and faith. It's gotten me through everything too, my faith. What I believe in."

Please remember that this is an alternative universe, any references or similarities to actual events, real people: living or dead, or to a real place are intended to give the story a sense of reality, other than that, it's entirely coincidental.
2015 // © Faithfulrauhl

All rights reserved

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