Snowbeast Chase

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Soon, a huge, gigantic snowman appeared right before us. Actually, I did not really think that snowman was the proper word to describe this big guy. Snowbeast seemed far more appropriate. Anna and I stared up at him in shock as he glared down at us. 

The snowbeast was not gentle when he picked me and Anna up in one hand and Olaf in the other. Let me tell you, I do not like being manhandled. Oaken had already done it to me with in the past twenty-four hours, and now the snowbeast was doing it, too. I did not appreciate it when Oaken did it, and I certainly do not appreciate it happening now. 

Clearly, Anna did not appreciate it either since she was protesting the whole way down the stairs as the snowbeast brought us all the way down to the main doors. 

"Stop!" Anna demanded. "Put us down." 

But, the snowbeast just ignored her request and threw us down the staircase outside. "Go away," he said in a low, booming, deep voice. 

The way down the staircase was very bumpy all the way down until we crashed into the snow drift. I attempted to stand up, but then I heard Olaf's voice. "Heads up!" he called out to us. 

His head came flying towards us and was lodged into the snow drift Anna and I crashed into, just above our heads. He was still looking up at the ice palace, however. "Watch out for my butt!" he cried out. 

I looked back up at the ice palace just in time to see the rest of him hurtling towards me. I fell back into the snow, just avoiding being hit by the flying parts of his body. Anna looked at Olaf's parts lodged into the snow drift, then up at the giant snowbeast who threw him into there, highly affronted. 

She scooped up some snow, forming it into a snowball, and began to march back towards the ice palace, fuming in anger. "It is not nice to throw people!" she shouted to the snowbeast furiously. 

Whatever she had planned on doing could not have a positive outcome. Anna against a giant, menacing snowbeast like that? Not good. It was practically begging for trouble. It would be better to just move along. 

I was a bit peeved at being throw by the snowbeast, myself, but you did not see me trying to provoke him with a snowball or anything. But, nope. That is not how Anna rolled, as I was slowly but surely learning. She just always had to do something about the enemy's actions, no matter how intimidating they are. As much as I liked that about her, I just had to stop her this time. 

I grabbed onto her arms, trying to pull her back. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, feisty-pants," I said. "OK, relax." She just struggled against my hold. She was exceedingly determined to give the snowbeast a piece of her mind. She began growling at me in addition to the snowbeast. I tightened my grip and continued to hold her back, blocking her throwing arm. "Just calm. Calm down!" I shouted at her. 

She finally began to relax slightly as I held her, so I loosened my grip on her a bit. "Just let the snowman be," I told her. 'Just walk away from the snowbeast nice and easy, please,' I thought. 

She took a deep breath and began to turn away. "Alright. I'm calm," she said a bit more relaxed than before. 

I let her go and began to turn back to the snow drift, myself. "Great," I said, satisfied. 

Despite only knowing her for a day, however, I should have known Anna better than to think she would give up so easily. The minute we both turned around, she suddenly chucked the snowball at the snowbeast as hard as she could anyway. 

"Oh, come on," I groaned. 

I watched as the snowball sailed up the stairs and hit the snowbeast on his shoulder. It did not make even the slightest mark. In fact, if the snowbeast had not been staring the two of us down in our general direction when it happened, I bet he would not have even noticed it. He did notice, however, and he was not pleased about it. In fact, he was completely furious about it. The snowbeast roared at us over it, and spikes of ice showed up from his limbs. 

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