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September 1st

10:17 pm EST

Life never goes as planned. When you are a kid you have an abundance of foolish thoughts and ideas. Your parents tell you that you can be anything you want to be; you can do anything you want to do. You are absolutely consumed with the thought that everything is going to be polished and perfect like porcelain. When those china plates are obliterated you are left with meaningless fragments of a flawless life. Naturally, such events could be traumatizing to one who doesn't know anything other than false hope, but to those who have known nothing else than to simply sweep away those cracked dreams, it's any other day.

I've come to wonder why I allow myself to hope anymore. Whenever I allow myself to feel comfortable, I should know that it won't last long, but I seem to have no learning curve. My life was just starting to feel alright.

I hadn't seen, or heard from, my criminal father in months. Summer was actually enjoyable, considering I didn't have to train in any sort of combat or archery. Of course, it was smashed by the person who caused my unhappiness, my father.

I'm not even interested in recalling events of the past. All I need to focus on now, is the future, my future. This future includes moving to entirely new city, going to an entirely new school, not knowing anyone but my mother and getting a job in this new city.

This is because of my father and his ruthless actions. he has become a version of a menace. Heck, he is the definition of menace. I'm not one to openly think, or speak about it. That recent memory is locked in the deepest part of my mind, never to be shared.

My mind was buzzing with all of the sudden events that were to happen as soon as I woke up this coming morning. I crawled under my grey bed sheets, pulling them over my head. Why did this happen to me? What did I do to deserve all of this? Do the wrong doings of the father pass to the daughter? Whatever it is, I'm determined to break this chain of bad luck.

I also have this school situation to deal with. New people in an new building located in an entirely new city. I'm not entirely worried about getting good grades, or keeping up with schoolwork. I'm troubled about the new set of people.

Soon enough, my negative thoughts exhausted my entire being, wrapping me into a warm blanket of sleep.


September 2nd

6:15 am EST

The horrific sound of my dear alarm clock interrupted my peaceful slumber. It was the only thing keeping me from this very morning. My arm felt like led as I slammed my hand against the snooze button. An exhausted groan escaped my mouth as I rolled out of my covers. Walking through the many boxes contains all of my belongings, I noticed my mother was up and ready. She seemed unearthly excited. Confused by her amped actions, I began to speak.

"Hey mom..." I timidly walked up to her wheelchair to face her. Her face was plastered wight he widest grin I've seen from her. "Good morning Sweetheart!" she sang. My bewildered expression must have been enough for her to continue. She sighed and poked up at me with gleaming eyes. "This is a chance for us to have a new life! A better one!" She glanced to the side at a stack of boxes.

A small grin crept upon my face at my mothers excitement. Out of all the bad, I at least had my mother. "Well," I combed through my wild hair with my fingers as I spoke, "The moving company should be here soon, so I'll get ready and then help with the boxes."

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