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(Ah I'm sorry this story will continue in third person! It's just much more enjoyable for me to write this way. Sorry for grammar mistakes! I just wanted to get this chapter up!)

September 4

7:38pm EST

Artemis was enraged at Wally's comment. "This happens to be my dorm room, Wally." Her eyebrow was raised with an immense amount of condescending attitude.

The ginger seemed a bit flustered, he had never told her his name. "Ok, one, how do you know my name, and two...ok that's the only appropriate question I have." He mumbled that last part, not exactly wanting her to hear him.

The blonde rolled her eyes and walked over to Wally. "Your friends told me." She crossed her arms and shifted her weight to one leg.

Wally shot an unnerving glare towards Zatanna and Megan, who didn't seam quite surprised by the events taking place.

"Hmm, Wally, the feeling is mutual, really. I mean, you only hit me with your bike then decided the colors of your girlfriends sheets were a great big deal and ran to help her." Artemis had held her hateful gaze the entire time she was talking. "Now, I'm a girl who can fully take care of herself, but I would consider how this makes you look."

Wally could feel his face burning, he tried to fight his embarrassed blush, but with no such luck. His skin was paler than average so when he blushed, you could really see it.

"Look, we talked, you were fine." Wally growled in a low voice.

The two had almost completely forgotten about the other occupying the room. Wally gazed around at a few of his friends. "We will continue this argument later." He whispered as he walked passed her.

There was a slight uneasy tension hanging in the air as the room filled with silence. "Well, Artemis-" Megan began.

"Artemis! So that's your name." Wally smirked smugly and leaned against the wall. "Like the goddess of the hunt, however you are quite the opposite of a such a lovely title."

Artemis could feel a burning in her chest. "Listen here Wally, you-" Megan interrupted the argument once again.

"Hey guys! Ok, so I was thinking for a movie night! Our dorm!" Megan made some jazz hands, enthusiastically. "Obviously with two people sitting apart from each other..."

Wally and Artemis instantly shot fiery glares at one another. "Fine." They simultaneously groaned and shared yet another harsh gaze.

Megan made a slight squeal noise and jumped up form her sitting position on the bed. She took a box filled with movies out from the closet and set it in the center of the floor.

Wally unzipped his jacket and hung it over Artemis' desk chair. He was wearing a slightly tight fitting red t-shirt that did wonders for his muscles.

Artemis hadn't noticed him in any way, but he did look incredibly attractive.

"What genre?" Zatanna sat down and crossed her legs as she sifted through the DVDs. "Action, horror- oh! How about a romantic comedy?"

Artemis shrugged, "Yeah, that'll do." She never really was a romance movie girl, but the look in Zatanna's face signaled that there would be no changing her mind.

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