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Joker Pov

I'm sat in my club listening to some idiot ramble on about some debt he owes me, I'd given up listening, the guy won't be leaving here alive anyway, I sipped my drink and started laughing before pulling out my gun and shooting him right between the eyes, "boring" I shouted, "Now someone give me some good news before I shoot the lot of you". Everyone stood silently as Jacob steps in the room, "Boss, we have an issue", "I said good news not issues, for fuck sake the lot of you are useless, get out of my sight" I took another sip of my drink and motioned Jacob to sit, "who am I killing this time?" I questioned getting impatient. "Theres rumours theres a new queen in town" he started, the word queen annoyed me, Gotham is my city, "Go on Jacob my patience is running thin", "well they say her name is Alison, there is rumours she has no money issues, alot of men and a drug trade so big it will squash us, however she spends her free time caring for the elderly", "any thing else to dampen my day?" I asked, " Yeah there is a new club opening up next door" he said quickly before leaving the room, "I drove out the last owner, I will do it again". Alison hmm, now what do we do with you, "Elijah, get in here" the door opened and in stepped Elijah, "I want as much information on this Alison as you can get, I want someone following her at all times, a mere woman will not end my reign", "yes boss", he disappeared out the door leaving me to my thoughts once again, when something was pushed under the door, I picked up and saw it was some fancy looking invite, I flipped it over,

Joker, Mister J, Pudding (what ever you go by)
I formally invite you to my new club opening.
Glitz and Glam opens tomorrow at 11pm. I doubt you need the address, I'm sure the word has already reached your ears.
I will be looking forward to finally meeting you.

That bitch, it's her opening the new club, I'm gonna bring her down if it's the last thing I do.

Alison POV
After leaving the invitation under jokers door, I managed to slip back out the club unnoticed. I slip back into my Lamborghini and head for home, tomorrow involves alot of meetings before I do my care calls, then to the grand opening of Glitz and Glam. Let me introduce myself, I'm Alison, just Alison, I have been involved in many drug rings around the country, but I soon get bored and move on the next city, my wealth is unbeatable okay maybe Bruce Wayne but little old Batman will be the least of my worries. My first meeting tomorrow is with scarecrow, This one I'm the most nervous about but it will go fine.

The next day.
"Anthony, get my car ready for work later please", I headed down to my kitchen ready for breakfast, just after a strange sent hit my nose, I quickly popped one of the capsules I had in my pocket and carried on down the stairs. Once in the kitchen I signaled for all my staff to leave quickly, I sat on the counter and sipped a coffee, "Scarecrow, you are early, I don't take kindly to being attacked in my own home" not looking up from my coffee, I felt his presence behind me, "How?" Was all he said, "I have been here two weeks, I had an antidote made up for your fear gas, All my men have access to the antidote, now sit, I want to know what I can do for you?", he sat looking confused, "That's normally not how these meetings go, normally people want me to do things for them" he said uncertain, "I do not work like everyone else, I already know what I can do for you, I will fund your fear gas making for let's say 5 years, on the condition I get unlimited access, I have men in there producing antidotes also and that's it, no other catches" I slid the paperwork over to him, "what's the small print here" point at the tiny print at the bottom, "Stab me in the back, you will wish you were never born" I started hysterically laughing, "I plan on running this whole city,so I need everyone on my side" I smiled taking out a knife from my waist band, I made a small cut on scarecrow arm, then squeezed the cut into a small pot, once there was enough blood, "sign away, blood is the deal sealer", "What about joker?" The dagger slipped from my hand at full speed just catching the side of scarecrows mask, "You are crazy" he said hold the two bits of fabric, "I know, but I can play sane which is alot more dangerous then a deranged clown, sign the paperwork then get out of my house, I need to prepare for my meeting with Batman", scarecrow dipped one of his needle fingers in the blood and signed the contract, I quickly grabbed it, " I will send you a copy, I said walking out the room.

I was now in my Lambo driving round the corner to Wayne Manor, They say keep your friends close and your enemies closer, so I bought a mansion as close to Wayne Manor as I could, just as I got the the gates, Alfred appears, "Miss Alison, I am sorry to say Mr Wayne was called away, so is not here for your meeting, he said he will find you later", "You have got to be kidding me, Alfred I don't take kindly to being stood up" I chucked a fear gas canister his way and left, nice little message for the bat, Best head home and change car, good deed job now. People wonder why I do the care stuff, well nobody will think someone who could do something that nice could hurt anyone, it keeps me in peoples good books.

I quickly changed and got in my poor person car and headed out to the old people of Gotham, after leaving the last call there was a thump on the roof of the car, I stopped, "Get in Bruce" I said between hysterical laughter "got my message then" I continued Laughing, "Yes, Alfred is not a toy, Alison. You realise Joker has been following you all day right?", "I am aware, who follows someone in a purple Lamborghini, I will deal with him later, now to you, though after standing me up, I don't think you deserve my friendship, I started to speed the car up, it maybe a rubbish car but I'd had the engine changed, "Alison, slow down" "I can't have the Joker knowing my plans, Tonight I give you the Penguin, I have been here two weeks and that guy annoys me, I ring you when he is gift wrapped and you pick him up from behind my club" I laughed hysterically as we drove through red lights and stop signs, "What do you get in return?" He questioned, "You stay away from my business, you do not step in my club, and you leave Joker to me, he fits into my bigger plans, go against me Brucey and know alot more people know the secret entrance to the bat cave then you realise, and I don't think you want that to get into the wrong hands" I slammed my breaks on, "Now get out, I have a club opening to prepare for"

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