Glitz and Glam

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"Remember Joker VIP, all of you need to have one of these, at any point you think scarecrow is releasing his fear gas take it, I'm here to look out for you guys as much as you are for me, We have already got men amongst Jokers goons, they feed back that Joker plans to make a scene tonight, we need to keep this to a small scene, everyone thinks hes crazy but we need to remember I am alot worse, no weapons inside, any weapons we need are already here, now any questions?" Final meeting before club doors open, tonight is going to go swimmingly I know everyones plans except Penguins, but he will be back in Arkham by the end of the night. "What about Batman?" Someone said quietly, "What about Batman" I said out loud laughing, "The little bat, is working with us, he is waiting for my call to take the penguin away, once we have penguin up here then he goes bye bye with a one way ticket to an old mouldy cell" I sip my drink, then turn back to them, "Why are you all still here" they all quickly hurried out of the room. I looked in the mirror and straightened my black sparkly ball gown, It's show time, I headed up to the stage, everything set up, people started flooding in, My set list started and I get fully engrossed in the music. Just as Gangsta started in stepped Joker, you can't miss that green hair anywhere, I watched as he was lead to the VIP booth right in front of the stage.

Joker POV
I stepped into the new speak easy as it has been called, everything looked very glamorous, I was immediately stripped off all weapons, nonenof her men appeared to be scared of me, shame makes killing them more fun, I was guided to the VIP booth, I looked up and there was this gorgeous blonde hair woman on the stage, I settled in my seat and began watching as she sung...

"I need a Gangsta, too love me better, then all the others do, to always forgive me, ride or die with me, that's just what Gangstas do" as she sang this she looked directly in my eyes, I shuffled in my seat,

"I'm fucked up, I'm black and blue
I'm built for it, all the abuse
I got secrets
That nobody, nobody, nobody knows
I'm good on, that pussy shit
I don't want, what I can get
I want someone, with secrets
That nobody, nobody, nobody knows"  at no point of her singing did she break eye contact. I was intreaged, "Who is this doll?" I asked one of the waiters, "You will find out soon" he said placing a drink and a note in front of me.
Mister J,
Meet me at my mansion at 3am..
Looking forward to it
The woman disappeared off the stage when Penguin walked through the door. "Erg, Way to spoil a night, bird brain" I shouted over the noise, "JOKER, long time no see, I have a meeting with the owner of this establishment, we can talk later" he said heading up some stairs to a shadow standing on the balcony, I decided enough was enough and headed back to my own club to blow off some steam before my meeting.

Alison POV
I stood on the balcony watching the club, mostly Joker as Penguin made his way up the stairs, "Oswald" I greeted, I gestured into my office and sat at my desk, sipping on my vodka cranberry, "so Oswald, what can I do for you" I took my gun apart and began cleaning it, waiting for penguin to talk, " Well I thought seems as I was summoned you wanted something from me" he said taking a seat in front of me, "I don't remember inviting you to sit down, penguin" I said locking my gun back into place, " I don't need anything from any of you petty crime lords in Gotham, I am here to make sure everyone gets what they need to so I can run this city, like I run many more", "All I want from you is for you to stand, be wrapped and I shall add the bow", Penguin began to panic but tried to keep his cool, "That I can't give you but men, drugs, guns, I can get them" he said quickly, "I have enough of all of them" I pulled my knife out of my waist band and walked over to penguin, scraping the blade smoothly across his face leaving a perfectly straight line that was soon oozing blood, "well at least I know now penguins bleed just like humans,  I have a friend of mine here to meet you, you can come out of the shadows now scarecrow" myself and my guards took our little pills, as scarecrow released his fear gas, Penguin began to scream, my men wrapped him up in wrapping paper and a placed a pretty pink bow on his head, before knocking him out, I then pushed him down the garbage shoot, I pulled out my phone and dialled, " Your gift is ready, you will find it at the side of the club, be quick I don't know how long it will be there for" I hung up and headed home.

Joker POV
Just as I walked past the alley way separating mine and Alison's clubs I heard something land in the trash, Normally I would ignore it but it sound large and made a human sounding oomf as it landed, I walked over, using my cane to move the pink bow slightly, "Well, well, well, Penguin finally got put out with the trash" I laughed hysterically, "Ah and bin man batman has come to empty the trash" I laughed as I felt Batsys presence, "Go Joker, you weren't a part of the deal this time, unless you want to go where he is going", Batman said pulling penguin up, "oh no Batsy, pink bows don't suit me" I said walking away, So she has a Batman cleaning up after her, This doll is driving my crazy and I haven't even met her yet. Soon though it's already half 1, I best make myself look beautiful.

Alison POV,
I jumped in the shower and put on a lace night dress, with a mesh dressing gown, black heels and tidied up my make up, I will be honest my aim is to have Joker by my side, as soon as I head about him, I have been interested, I like a man with power, less power then me, but anyone that can get the bats knickers in a twist is worth my full attention. "Pudding, right on time" I said turning on my stool, "Want a drink?" He nodded and sat down not removing his eyes from me, "like what you see?" I laughed, I placed his drink down and sat in front of him, "I will get straight to the point, I'm Alison, Just Alison, I run multiple drug rings around the country, My men are everywhere, even mingled within yours, I have been working on taking over Gotham for a few years, I have been here for 2 weeks and already caused a stir, I gift wrapped Penguin, don't think for one second I wouldn't do the same to you" he stayed quiet just staring at me, "so Doll what do I have to do with your plan" he finally said, "I want you by my side, I have done my research, and you would be the perfect king, I need. We could make a very good duo", he sat and thought about it, "sorry Doll, I do things on my own, I dont need a partner" he finished his drink and stood up, "Thanks for the show and the view, but I have to fish your men out of mine" he said turning to walk away, "Joker that's a bad call, I can keep you in or out of Arkham, I invest my money where I see fit and Arkham seemed a good choice, Harley is in there isn't she, I can get her out if that's what you want" I instantly regretted mentioning her and his jaw tightened, he slowly turned back around, "That bitch can stay there to rot" he started laughing and then left, all I heard was his car start and speed off down the drive, not how I wanted the first meeting to go. He should of been begging for me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2022 ⏰

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