New year

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(These characters belong to J.K. Rowling, therefore her brainchild.)

Hermione's POV:

Hermione sighed. Her seventh year in Hogwarts was almost here. She hoped it would be peaceful. Quiet even. But no. Of course she got the head girl. And she had no idea who the head boy would be. Great.

She had already finished packing, and she was waiting on her brown oak desk in her room, which had baby blue walls and a brown wood floor. Well, you couldn't really see the walls, because there were bookshelves on top of the bookshelves across the room.

Hermione was wearing a black crop top, a red jacket, and a white skirt. She, believe it or not, looked hot. Her brown bushy hair was in a knotted bun, (or ponytail because it had fallen out) with a blue ribbon around it.  Well, he bushy hair actually was soft and shiny now, thanks to the weasly wizard weazes.  Actually, she looked pretty great. Her skin was a nice dark olive color and was nice and smooth, and her eyelashes had been getting longer, making her look cuter.

Not that she needed to look cuter.
She had a boyfriend.

Hermoine looked out of the window, and her heart gave a leap when she saw Ron's new owl, Venta, flying towards her. She sat up immediately, happy to get her boyfriend's letter.

Ron hadn't written for weeks now, but he was busy. He and Lavender Brown were working on a project together, and apparently, it was a product for the Weasly Wheezes. Hermoine was not in the least worried. She hoped that this letter would be longer than the rest, and her heart fell when she saw how short it was.

As Venta landed, she realized how truly small the note was. She opened it, and read.

Dear Hermoine

I hate to do this over owl, but I think we should break up. I'm in love with Lavender.  We have been together for weeks, but I've been afraid to tell you.



Hermoine read it over again one more time to make sure she wasn't imagining things. Ron was breaking up with her. A sob built in her throat.

No, she thought to herself. I'm not going to cry. Hermoine swallowed the sob and wiped her eyes.

He doesn't deserve me. And I won't let him get to me.

Hermoine took a deep breath and exhaled. She needed a plan. She needed to make Ron jealous. She needed someone's help. She needed to pretend to date Ron's greatest enemy.

She needed Draco Malfoy.

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