Back in Spring

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Please keep in mind this is part of a roleplay I'm in. Chrissy is Feyre's niece. This is inspired by her tiktoks (readwithchrissy Tamlin has nearly killed her and forced a kiss onto her which is why Feyre is so mad. 

Only seconds later, I'm surrounded by the once luscious trees of spring. It looked like someone had sucked out the color from it all. Flowers were wilted and fallen leaves crunched underneath my feet.Blinking, I tried to adjust to the darkness. Everything felt distant. This place used to bring me comfort. For a few months it did at least. I pictured myself living the remainder of my mortal days here.

Unaware of the curse and unaware of everything that would happen to me. To us Despite feeling like a stranger, my steps guide me out of instinct. Grateful that my body seems to have a mind of its own, I try to find Tamlin. I wasn't sure whether he'd be inside or still roaming around the woods.

What state would he be in? Beast or fae? Did his shape make a difference? He seemed like a beast either way. I grip onto my shirt near my chest and take a breath. "TAMLIN." I shout as loud as my vocal cords allow me, feeling a scratch in my throat. I had no patience to look for him. I'd draw him out if I had to. "I KNOW YOU'RE HERE. WHAT? YOU ATTACK MY NIECE AND NOW YOU'RE TOO SCARED TO FACE ME?"

There was silence as I stared out at the manor, expecting him to burst out the doors. Maybe I should have brought a weapon... A dagger at least. Panic begins to cloud my senses as I quickly glance from one spot to the other. The wait was driving me mad. 

 "TAMLIN!" I yell once more and suddenly, I feel a presence behind me. Stumbling forward, I twist on my heels, coming face to face with the beast.My mind brings me back to the night he barged into our home. The two of us facing each other, my heart filled with hate again. Except I wasn't a powerless mortal this time. I wasn't starving and tired. 


His voice was filled with... No. It wasn't love. It wasn't soft the way he used to say it. It wasn't with anger either. Instead, it was simply pure shock. The way he said it didn't matter. All I knew was that I hated the way it rolled off his tongue.Wasting no time, I use a barrier to slam him into a tree, giving him no time to attack if that was his plan. 

 "You don't get to say my name. You don't get to talk."

"Seems you've learned a few tricks these past decades." He grunted, picking himself up.

"What did I just say?" I snarl, raising my arms to use a strong gust of wind. The blow makes him twist and turn before landing harshly against the ground. I hated him. I hate what he had done to Rhysand's family. I hated the way he'd lied to me, the way he let me wither in his own home, the way he wanted to put me in a cage. Most of all, I hated how he always found ways to hurt my family. But what I hated the most was the fact that I still found it in my heart to pity him.

"What the hell were you thinking?! You nearly KILLED my niece!" 

"I-" I don't let him finish. 

 "Your problem is with me. Then come face me. Angry? Pissed? Then fight me. She didn't do anything. She didn't deserve your rage and certainly NOT the way you FORCED yourself on her." 

 Consumed by rage, I feel the earth burning under me, flames surrounding me before I splash him with a wave. Panting, I watch Tamlin find his balance, coughing up the water that had made its way into his lungs

"Feyre, listen, I-"Again with the name. 

Whatever decision I had made to stay far from him vanished. I knew I wouldn't be able to handle him up close. I wasn't naive enough to think I could hold him down when his strength was ten fold.Still, I snapped. 

"Shut up!" With a scream, I threw myself onto him, slamming his back onto the floor before landing a punch in his face. 

I pull my hand back to punch him again, but it seems his patience is wearing thin too. He grabs my wrist and rolls me over onto my back. I never thought Tamlin would hurt me in a physical way, but the gaze in his eyes told another story tonight. The fact that Chrissy had had to experience this made my blood boil. 

By the way Tamlin winced and quickly moved his hands off of me, I knew I had burned him.


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