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Hello ! First of all thank you for choosing this book  to read ! It took me a lot of my time and energy ! I am far from Shakespeare and the Prologue to this book is certainly not the most interesting and best written chapter of mine... If you could at least give Chapter One a little try I would be infinitely grateful. However, I hope you enjoy reading it! Have a good one ! BTW this is a google translation french to english kind of level of translation... I tried to correct the nonsense but there might be some mistakes still here and there... Let me know if you find one. I hope it doesn't sound too weird and it won't bother you too much !  This is the first time I write a book and I tried my best thus please bare with me !

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Yunho had fallen asleep in his seat despite the white noise of the plane he was in.

He was on his way home: South Korea. He haven't been there for at least 15 years. However, the  memories he kept from this country were still intact, as if he had left yesterday. Although he was impatient to see his only father and his only friend again, he wasn't ecstatic to come back either. Having become accustomed to the Americas, a part of his heart remained at the departure airport. The other part was lost in the gigantic hall of the airport of Seoul.

He made it through the crowd to find his luggage and took his first step outside. He was taken head-on by the cold and the very strong smell of gasoline emanating from the city. He sank into the modern jungle hoping to find a taxi. As soon as the light was green, a mass of people pervaded the road in hurry to reach the other end. He managed to find a driver and left for the station. Finally in his train, he set off for Gwangju.

2h and 27min price ₩ 17,000 - ₩ 49,000 Seoul-Gwangju.

Yunho was looking at his train ticket, the light he could see throught his eyelashes was flickering. He ended up giving up due to fatigue.

It was raining when he arrived, no one was at the station to greet him. He found an other taxi which dropped him off in the neighborhood indicated on his phone. The darkness was devouring his sight little by little. The city looked like a whole different place at night, to the point where he hardly recognized it. He walked silently to his house, lit by the few lampposts in the street he took. He saw a cat passing by, he could hear dogs barking in the distance and a family which was probably conversing at a dinner table jugding by the smells which delighted his nostrils. He gradually seeked comfort listening to the laughs of this sweet family, warming his body, frozen by the winter cold. Arrived in front of the apartment door, he could already perceive light passing through the joints of the door. He rang once. When a hurried voice echoed in response. He could make out what sounded like pots or pans banging together or knocking something hard, then the door opened.

" Well then? Did you forget the code? Com' on in ! "

It was an old man. He still had the liveliness of the prime of life and the appearance of a thirty-something. Messy hair and a badly trimmed beard, he smiled broadly at Yunho who had just walked through his doorstep. He had a bowl under one arm and a whip which he was shaking in the other hand. Yunho observed around him, the house, made out of these familiar walls and the set of frames that decorated it.

" Come on, come on, go sit down and lemme take care of your suitcase. " The man hastened, pointing to the living room with his chin while pushing the luggage out of the way.

Yunho therefore headed for the living room, the photos on the walls were full of faces he knew, whom he had forgotten but recognized. The living room was not very big, a simple green sofa worn by time, a poor bedroom lamp, a television, and a small table with a chest of drawers topped with a blue vase. The living room was connected to the balcony, where the washing machine had been placed. It also gave direct access to the kitchen separated by a counter occupied by a ton of paperwork and various objects.

Yunho walked over to the sofa, he could hear noises coming out of the kitchen. The man came from behind, walked around Yunho to face him and hug him.

" We missed you so much, son. " the father said in his embrace.

" I missed you too old man. " Yunho hugged back.

" I love you guys too! "

Someone coming out of nowhere, joined the hug. Yunho who didn't forgot his good reflexes, sent his elbow straight towards the face of the stranger who stopped it only a few inches from his precious nose.

 " Wow, so is this how we greet old friends in America ?? "

Yunho turned around, he had recognized the voice and hugged him without hesitation.

" Mingi !! "

"Oh i see alright, happier to see a friend than your own dad, okay." his father sulked, crossing his arms.

Yunho just laughed at the remark then sniffed the warm air in the room. Something was in the oven and he could smell it. When they heard a little "ding" sound.

" Oh ! Dinner's ready ! " Shouted the father before scampering to the kitchen.

" Aaaahh god finally ! Hey, don't get the wrong idea Samoyed, if I'm here it's only to enjoy your father's fabulous cuisine! " Mingi confided while taking a seat at the small coffee table in front of the sofa.

" I expected nothing else from you my friend. " Yunho confided in return, when the father came back with his hands and arms full of various dishes and delicious smells.

His father and Mingi were starting the meal and Yunho was heading for the bedrooms. His father, with his mouth already stuffed with noodles, caught him walking away.

"Aren't you going to eat?" He said surprised.

Mingi then turned around as well and observed him.

"I'm sorry I'm really tired, maybe tomorrow." He replied, walking along the walls of the small hallway.

"Come on, stay here, your father has already prepared all this for you. I know you're tired but... Could you do this for us ? We missed you so much ..." Mingi groaned with his bowl in one hand.

Yunho sighed and turned around. He dropped his backpack against the sofa and took a seat next to his family.

"Alright, but just this once," he said as Mingi and his father were already filling his plate.

"It's not like you're going to leave anytime soon anyway." His father said between his mouthfuls which made Mingi titter.

Yunho didn't play along, he had just lost his job all because of an accident that happened during a mission (it was more of a suicidal mission but Yunho would never admit it). Yunho worked for the FBI and he was known to be the youngest recruit to ever exist. He looked dead serious. His father saw it and patted him on the shoulder.

"Aye come on, it's okay ! It's not the end of the world yet! Life is not over! You are a brilliant man with excellent abilities! You will easily find yourself a new job! And in the worst case possible you'd become a model. " his father grumbled gently.

"I'm deeply sorry Yunho for what happened ... When your father and I heard the news, we were afraid that you would live in a wheelchair for the rest of your life ... Kind of like me, but forever. " Mingi confessed.

Yunho fiddled with his fork (he had lost the habit of chopsticks). It is true that Mingi lived all his childhood seated. He had a road accident that cost him the strength of his legs when he was still a toddler. But thanks to many rehabilitation exercises, he managed to regain the use of his legs. But for Yunho it would not have been possible with his back injury. A short silence settled at the table.

"Psshh hey, com' on, eat!" His father said putting a piece of meat in his mouth.

Yunho gave him a thin smile.

This is how the meal continued, they all gradually started to relax and have a good time. Food made them forget about their individual struggles for a happy quarter of an hour. The laughter grew louder and louder and the evening came to a late end.

End of the Prologue

Author's note: A Samoyed is a breed of dogs! Search it out it is really cute!

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