Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Harrys POV:

I'm running. Running after Bellatrix. But why? She didn't kill Padfoot. Dumbledore did! I fought off the Imperious Curse, so why is this any different?

When I finally catch up to her it is because she has stopped, and she is looking at me. She must've seen the confusion and panic because she looks around quickly before dragging me into an alcove.

She pushes me against the wall, which momentarily leaves me feeling disoriented, she takes advantage of that and shoved a potion down my throat.

Veritaserum, I think, grimacing at the taste. Dumblewhore used that on me before, remembering suddenly.

"Why are you following me!!! I didn't kill my disgraceful little cousin!!!" Bellatrix screeched, like nails on chalkboard, but there was a hint of honest curiosity in her voice, and it surprised me she could sound even remotely human, let alone act human from what I've heard of her.

"I don't know why I'm following you," I answered in an even tone, as close to a monotone voice I can, as I have grown quite a strong immunity towards the potion. Dumblewhore cast some version of the Imperious Curse on me. I refrain from letting it slip that I can throw off the Imperious Curse, lest she gasp, which, mind you, is a totally un-death eater like thing to do.

I froze the second I heard the tell-tale sound of apparition, there were only two groups it could be Death Eaters or The Order. It seemed the latter was the correct assumption because Bellatrix muttered something under her breath and the all too familiar feeling of a tug behind my navel, a portkey, and we were gone.

We reappear in an unfamiliar building, well, I appeared in an unfamiliar building, Bellatrix didn't, and I stumbled and fell straight to the ground backwards, I didn't even bother to look around before flat out saying, Oh for Merlin's sake! Is there any other wizarding transportation that doesn't hurt or suck!? I asked exasperated, well not really since it was a rhetorical question. Some of the braver Death Eaters dared to chuckle lightly at my humor but quickly shut up when a dark aura fell over the room.

I smiled, I really am going insane I think to myself, opening my eyes, "Why hello there, Mr. Dark Lord, how do you do?"

A deep rumble filled the chamber.

Hope You Enjoyed!

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