Chapter 3

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I kept thinking about Becky while she was in the hospital. When I left the hospital the last time, she had been asleep, her eyes closed, but I had seen her breathe in and out, and heard her heartbeat. The fact that she was alive was what really mattered to me. It was the fact that she was here with me that truly made everything right again. I had to go and see her. The entire way there, my head swam as memories came flooding back of the accident. They told me that she would make a full recovery before I left the hospital the last time I was there. When I got to the hospital, I went straight to the ward Becky was in. I stood by her bedside. She was still asleep. She woke up after a few hours. She was weak and exhausted. She couldn't talk much but she managed to smile for me. I reached out to stroke her cheek. She put her hand over mine. Her skin felt warm and soft to touch. It felt good to be near her again. "It's been so long," I said quietly. I kissed her forehead and smiled. She held my hand and squeezed my fingers. We stayed like that, neither willing to let the other go. It only lasted an hour or two at most. I wanted nothing more than to stay longer, but she was still recovering and needed rest. I took her hand and kissed it one last time before standing from the chair beside her bed. "I'm so glad you're alright." I said softly. My throat felt raw. Becky didn't reply, but she smiled. Then she closed her eyes again. After leaving Becky's room, I walked down the hall. As I left the hospital, I saw someone familiar sitting on a bench by the building. He looked up as I approached, and his face lit up. It was Tom. "Huck?" He asked, "How's Becky?" I stopped, suddenly feeling very tired and not wanting to have this conversation. But I knew that he needed to know how she was doing. "She'll be fine, Tom. She just needs some rest." I tried to sound reassuring, but he must have noticed something off about my tone. "You already know what happened, don't you, Tom?" I asked him. He nodded. "I do; Judge Thatcher told my Aunt Polly and Aunt Polly told me." He said, sounding sad. His shoulders were slumped. His curly red hair was messy. I could tell that he'd been crying. When he spoke, his voice trembled. "Do you know if she is well enough to see anyone?" he asked quietly. I nodded and replied, "She can have visitors, but she might be sleeping right now." I looked into his blue eyes. I could almost hear his heart break. He looked down and wiped his eyes with the back of his sleeve. When he looked back up at me, tears were streaming down his freckled cheeks. He was obviously scared. "Thank you for being with her when I couldn't be." He said. His voice cracked and he sounded so vulnerable. I could feel something inside myself break as well. I knew how much he cared about Becky. I always thought that Tom was so strong for such a sensitive young boy like him. It broke my heart to see him like this. He was my best friend. I could never imagine seeing him like this. "Do you want to go in an' see her?" I inquired. He looked at me and nodded. I started walking towards the door, and he followed behind me. I knocked lightly before opening the door and entering the ward. Tom followed me into the room. When we walked into the room Becky was asleep. Tom sat down by Becky's bedside, and he held her hand. The hand that I held earlier. I sat down next to Tom. I looked at them both; Becky was sleeping. And Tom, a tear rolled down his cheek. "Becky...she looks so at peace," Tom whispered. He sniffed and quickly wiped the tears away. He then looked down and began crying even more. Tears poured freely down his face and onto Becky's hand. I felt bad for him. He was hurting too. Suddenly, Becky opened her eyes. Tom looked at her. I stared at Becky and watched as a small smile formed upon her lips. A slight grin appeared upon her face. Tom leaned forward and hugged Becky tightly. When they separated, Tom grabbed hold of her hands and brought them up to his lips. He kissed each knuckle. And then he kissed her forehead. "Are you alright?" Tom asked her. Becky nodded in reply. A moment later, she turned her head to look at me and smiled softly. She seemed comfortable. And happy. I smiled back at her. Tom reached out and gently caressed her cheek with his thumb. "I'm so glad to see you awake, Becky," he said quietly. "It feels better knowing that you're alright. You've had us all worried." "I missed you." She mumbled quietly. There was silence between them for several moments.

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