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Alexia's POV
I just drove around for a little bit and I decided to drive to Jacobs street and maybe figure out which one is his house, I wanted to go see him. I kinda just wanted to talk to him, is that a good idea? What if he finds it weird that I just show up to his house? I don't think he would, though. I got on Jacobs street and saw an ambulance rushing past me and stopping in front of one of the houses on his street.. What if.. No it can't be...
Sierra's POV
I got home and I called for Jacob and he wasn't answering. I knew he was home because his car was here, so I started freaking out. I called his name a few more times, no answer. I ran up the stairs and into his room. He wasn't in there, I looked over at his bathroom door and walked over to it. I put my hand on the door knob trying to turn it open, but it was locked.
"Jacob?" I yelled. No answer, again.
I pulled a bobby pin out of my hair to try to pick the lock. It took me a couple minutes, but I got it. "Oh my god" I mumbled under my breath. I ran over to jacob, lying on the floor near the toilet. I put my hand under his head and lifted him up a little.
"Jacob, wake up please. Don't leave me like this." I said as a tear rolled down my face. I had no choice but to do this, I slapped his cheek as hard as I could, in hopes that would wake him up, but it didn't.. "Jacob, please" I shook him. Still nothing. I grabbed my phone and called 911. I ran downstairs to go get the door open so they could come in right away and help him. When I opened the door and went outside I noticed a girl in her car who stopped near our house and she got out of the car right at the same time that the ambulance arrived. The ambulance ran in the house and I told them where Jacob was and they quickly got him and once they came downstairs and outside with Jacob, I noticed the girl react and she ran over to me.
"Oh my god, is he okay?!" She said to me. I didn't want to question who she was and stuff because I didn't feel it was the time for that. She probably just knew Jacob.
"Um.." I put my head down. "I don't, I don't think so. He wouldn't wake up." I could tell she wanted to cry.
"Are you his sister?" She said.
I nodded. "We need to talk. Can I come to the hospital with you?" I said yes and I let her get in my car with me and we followed the ambulance to the hospital. I cried the whole drive there. She looked over at me and put her hand on my shoulder.
"Hey, it's okay.." She said "he will be okay, he's strong." She smiled and it made me smile.
We arrived at the hospital and went to the front desk.
"Jacob Whitesides?"
She looked at piece of paper on her desk and then looked back up at us. "Go down the hall and it's the first room on the left." I nodded and we walked down the hall towards the room when we were stopped by a doctor. He said we couldn't go in right away, we had to wait like 20 minutes until we could go see him. "Let's go sit. What do you wanna talk about? Wait who even are you? What's your name?" I realised I just asked so many questions at once, I probably made her feel uncomfortable.
"I'm Alexia, and are you aware that Jacob has been getting bullied at school? Something happened today and I stood up for him and helped him out." I was shocked.
"No.." I said. "I mean, he never really told me that any of this was going on."
"Neither did I." She said. "We never really talked before, until today. I've seen him around, though. And he's in a few of my classes. He doesn't deserve any of what's happening to him. He seems like such a nice guy, and you know, at our school there really is no one like him there. I'd like to get to know him." I smiled, realising how much she cares about him. She's really pretty. She has long brown hair, she had such a cute outfit on, I could see her wanting to talk to Jacob. I was about to say something, but then she started to talk. "I just want you to know that, I will keep an eye out on Jacob at school, he's going to be okay."
"Thanks." I said. "I'm Sierra, by the way."
"It was nice meeting you, I gotta go though. I have to go home unfortunately or else my mom's gonna freak." She said. I stood up with her to say goodbye. "Wait." She said. I looked up as I was picking up my purse from the table we sat at. "Yeah?" She looked at me and pulled a piece of paper out of her purse. "I feel really bad having to go without getting to see Jacob, can you let him know I was here?" She said as she wrote her phone number down on a piece of paper, and also handed me her phone so I could put my number in it, too. I took her phone and put my number in it. "Yes, of course. He will be so happy that you were here." She smiled. "Thanks, and could you give him that paper with my number? If he wants, he could call me or something.. Or even a text is okay." She smiled again. She's so pretty.
"Bye" we both said at the same time and laughed. "I'll see you around." I said. It seems like to me that she likes Jacob, but I'm not sure. I'm just so happy that she stood up for him today. I love when people are nice to my brother. But I had no he was having problems at school, he never talks to me anymore. He always just keeps to himself.. It all makes sense now. But he needs to let this girl into his life. She is just who he needs right now.

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