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The king is troublesome just the way I heard actually more than I imagined...huh!! Lemme find my TAE I'll complain about this rude king to my TAE..
It's gonna be dark soon-

Aishh!!why does he need to shout all the time my ears r gonna go deaf~ NVM I want my father rn..
"And r u planning to keep my father here forever!?"

*Taehyung POV;

When she mentioned about her father it hitted my head hard..i-i- killed her father without having any explanations from him!! HOW CAN I BE SO RECKLESS!! EVEN THO M HEARTLESS I NEVER HURT ANY INNOCENCT BUT NOW I DID!! WHAT SHOULD I DO NOW..I MEED TO DO SOMETHING..BUT WHY M I SO AFRAID TO TELL HER THE TRUTH!!? THIS FEELING-
I was cut off my imagination-

Y/N: your majesty!! Can u please leave my father's already dark now it'll be dangerous for us to go around the kingdom of it gets more dark~

No-no I can't let her go.. but why do I don't want to let her go what type of feeling is this-i need to make up something.
I called a guard near me and whispered Something in his ear and then he left~
,"Ms. Since it's quite dark andnow it's dangerous out there.. SO I KING KIM TAEHYUNG REQUEST YOU TO STAY HER FOR SOME INTERVAL OF DAYS!"

Y/N: Ur majesty, we are not here to spend time .
I actually forced my father to come with me to find a person!!

What!?she came to my kingdom just to find someone ..i-ok a idea!!huh I got an idea wow thanks to my amazing brain!!✨

,"Ms. Actually we sent ur father to find us few herbs sinc he told us he knows medicines and untill he's back ur gonna be my responsibility, so pls follow the guard.. they'll lead u to ur room!!"

Then I saw her walking away with curiosity in her face!
But idk till when m gonna hide this!
And idk wot will be the girls reaction after she comes to know the truth.. but in the mean time, why m I getting the feeling to not let her go!? Do I know her!? Why does her eyes look so similar to someone I know!? WhY!?

Y/N PoV;

I don't why m listening to that heartless King..tho I only got to hear about him being heartless and rude but he seems to good-😐
Why m I thinking like this about him!?
Why do I feel i know him!? WHy!!?
I quitely followed the guard and he lead me to a beautiful room..
Wow the room looks quite beautiful ..the king atleast got some taste 😝
But- I hope my father is safe god be with him!!

And I went to sleep~~


I was walking back forth my room!!
I still can't figure out why m I being so scared to tell her!! And about her looking familiar!- and that's when I got a knock!
,"Come In!"

A guard came and bowed towards me, I nodded and Started speaking
,"I need all the information of that lady till tomorrow morning!!"

The guard nodes and left my room,
I facepalmed and sat near the window and was staring at the cherry blossoms and- there I saw that same lady standing near the cherry blossom tree staring at a wall where-

Authors PoV;
Taehyung's head started paining and he quickly drank a glass of water and laid down thinking what's with the sudden change in him!?
How can a girl effect him so much!!
He was convincing himself to not to think about that girl...


oki TaEhYuNg breath in breath out!! She's nothing just a normal girl..but those eyes- I feel like ik her maybe I should ask him yeah I should ask him...

Then I tried to close my eyes but whenever I closed my eyes to sleep I see a little girl shouting TAE!?

Who is that girl!? Do I know her!? Or- aishh TaEhYuNg leave it u need to sleep~


Taehyung woke up and quickly got ready to see the report the guards got about you!!
And after looking at the piece of paper he had sudden flashbacks~
And the only thing that came out his mouth was

"Tae..I promise u I'll be back"

Taehyung was so confused..he couldn't remember even Abit of his past..not even Abit!!

He dashed towards a room!!
He slammed the door open in frustration!!


Now only  he can tell me what's happening!!
,"Yaa r u there!?"

Then I heard a voice from the left and there he was!!
I sighed and continued speaking

,"Is there something that u should have told me about my past!?" I asked.

??: Common dear~u really can't remember!?

?? POV;

how can this dumbass forgot her!!?
And that too when she's Infront of him...u fool put Abit force on ur brain..u will remember her!

Taehyung: what do u mean I don't remember!?

I sighed and spoke,
,"When u were a kid u had a friend name Y/N and~~~~~~~~~~
So this was what u told me that day after Y/N left!
And now it's ur duty to find her"

Or else I'll take her I whispered to myself with a evil grin on my face!

*To Be Continued~~*

*😝 So my dear lobelies I was Abit busy today so updated lately..sorry for the delay and as uk ur author Nim likes no actually loves suspense~🤣 so the end of this EP is in suspense as well~~
Questions like who is this new character ?? And what's his intention!? How did TaEhYuNg forgot himself as TAE.. TaEhYuNg didn't had anyone except his grandmother then who is this ??...
So many questio
ns in suspense ikr~
So to know the story stay tuned lovelies~🤭✨ well meet soon in next Ep~~*

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