The 4th High school reunion

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Location: Macau, China

"It's finally, the 4th reunion. Everyone from my year has gotten successful and some are already having kids while there's me", the woman in her car paused as she continues to touch up her make up facing the front seat mirror under a low light, "working as an administrative assistant, gosh it's so stressful", she held in her tears not wanting it to ruin her look and put back her cosmetics in her purse.

She got out of the car showing her dressed formerly and alluring not like back then when she wore clothes that parents don't approve of. She looked up at the sign of the restaurant her old classmates picked, how bright it is out on a dark, cooling night. As soon as she opened the door of the restaurant, all the attention was on her.

"Oh my gosh, it's Pin Er" "Pin Er!" "You finally came!" "Wow" "Damn Pin Er" "Gosh what took you so long haha"

She was surprised by their reactions, not knowing why they are all suddenly so nice to her especially the ones she wasn't close with. They patted on a chair they've prepared for her to sit on. "Pin Er, oh my gosh I missed you", Pin Er's best friend sitting next to her hugged her. "I missed you too", she hugged her best friend back.

"You look good damn", Pin Er's only friend from her Mathematics class complimented her. "Thanks Da Yeng, you look nice too", she smiled at him. After that, tons of questions were asked of how she's doing right now and questions about her current job. Then, all the chattering stopped when they heard a bell chimed at the opened entrance door.

Cheers and shouts were heard when that person came into the restaurant. Who's that, she thought to herself. She squinted her eyes as her vision is not that good on who that figure of a man is walking in.

"Yo Ying Xian!" "Brother!"

As soon as she heard that name, she stopped looking at him and sat back down. She drank the glass of warm tea in front of her not wanting to be obvious that she was looking at him for a long time.

'He barely comes to our high school reunions so why is he here today', she thought to herself while spinning her glass.

She suddenly heard some chairs moving on her left, she looked at that direction and Brye was gone. "Thanks Lin!", Ying Xian thanked him. Before she wanted to look at him while his back was facing her, he quickly looked her. She face back down pretending to look at the glass of tea she's holding. "Hey", he said to her folding his hands with a smirk. "Hello", she hesitantly nodded at him with a small smile.

'How did he become so confident, he used to be so quiet back in school', she sipped her tea again. "Did you drink anything before coming here? You kept drinking that tea haha", he laughed at her. She pretended to laugh with him, he's starting to piss Pin Hui off.

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