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"Mom! Caleb! Where are you?" the twelve year old girl screamed. Her clothes were dirty. She was surrounded by trees. It was dark. There was no where to go. The brown haired girl fell her to her knees. She looked at her hands. They were scraped and bloody.

"I am never going to find them. I'm practically dead now...and so are they," she whispered and started to sob. As she cried and cried, it started to get lighter. As soon as she noticed this, she stopped crying. She felt a presence in front of her. She looked up and saw a blonde boy that looked her age.

"Who-who are you?" she said in disbelief. The boy kneeled down to her and smiled. He was wearing white and had a face that was pure.
"I am Austin. Remember me."

The little girl woke up and sat straight up. She was breathing heavily and she was sweating. Shaking, she left her bed and slowly made her way to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

In the kitchen, everything was left as is. Her mother's glasses were sitting on the table and the newspaper was right by it. Caleb's muddy boots were by the door, a few feet away from the kitchen table. A few dishes were in the sink, waiting to be washed. The sun was barely rising. The girl looked at the clock. It read 5:30. She closed her eyes and smiled. Everything was at peace like it should be. The brunette poured herself a glass of water and sat down at the kitchen table. She laid her head on the table and closed her eyes.

"This is the third time I had this dream! Who is Austin?" she thought to herself. Then, she thought of her loosing her mother and Caleb. A single tear ran down her face. She couldn't bear loosing them. They are all she had. They were the only ones left.

*Two years later*

"Ally, Caleb, I need to talk to you." Mother called from the kitchen. The two teenagers came out of the sitting room and walked skeptically into the kitchen.

"Whats wrong Mother? Is there another invasion?" Caleb said worriedly, starting towards the door. Mother got up from where she was sitting and grabbed Caleb's arm. She smiled weakly.

"No honey. Both of you sit down. This is important," she said as she nodded for the two confused and worried kids to sit down in the old wooden chairs. The siblings slowly sat down and so did their mother. She took a deep breath and started to talk.

"Look, I know its just been us. For about 7 years. Thankfully they haven't come for us yet, because we are so hidden. But Mr. Cronin alerted me last week that they have come closer. A house that was hidden like us was invaded and they are all gone. He told me that we need more protection," Mother explained.

"More protection? I thought I was doing a pretty good protecting all of us!" Caleb argued. He was starting to get angry.

"You are sweetie, but the Officials insisted. They told me to expect another boy. I don't know when he's coming. They told me that to expect him anytime from now to two years. The latest he is coming is in two years. If he doesn't come and two years has past, the Officials have changed their mind.

"Do you know how old he is?" Ally asked, half hoping it was her dad and that they found him.

"No, I tried to ask. They wouldn't tell me," Mother replied. The two kids looked at each other, knowing that the worst was just beginning. ____________________________________________________________________________
im back!!! im sorry the description sucks. i was rushing. ill tweak it tomorrow! next chapter is going to be up tomorrow!
love, B

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