Chapter 3: Too Many Questions

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After Mr. Cronin left, the family and Austin were sitting at the table, in silence. No one knew what to say. Mother tried to break the awkward silence by asking him questions.
"So, Austin, how old are you?" she asked him.

"Sixteen," he answered quietly.

"Do you like dogs? I hope you do; we have one," Mother asked him another question. Austin smiled and thought for a little bit before he answered.

"Yeah. I used to have one before...before," Austin carried on, lost for words. His smile was faded by now. Ally, who was sitting across from him, noticed that he was holding back tears. Caleb noticed that also.

"Alright! Austin do you want me to show you your room?" Caleb said, quickly changing the subject. He got up and waited for Austin's reply. Austin just nodded his head and followed Caleb to his new room.

"Mom, why did Mr. Cronin send him to protect us? I mean he just looks like a normal boy," Ally said to her mom, once Austin and Caleb left.

"Honestly, I think he was sent here because he had no home. I think he was invaded. Mr. Cronin knows me personally, so thats why he chose us. From now on, we have to be nice to him. I know you and Caleb are upset, and I agree, it has just been the three of us. But we have to be welcoming to him. He needs a family," Mother told her daughter. Ally sighed, but nodded.

"Now, what should we have for dinner?" Mother said, changing the subject and going over to the groceries that Ally had bought. "Macaroni and Cheese, or subs? How about you go ask Austin."

Ally sighed once again but reluctantly went over to Austin's room with Brady behind her. His new room was the old sun room. She knocked a couple times on the tin door.

"Come in," a soft voice called from inside. Ally opened the door. Austin was sitting on his bed, playing with his bracelets. He looked sad. When he realized Ally standing there, he looked up, studying her. She felt uncomfortable, so she spoke up.

"Well, uh, you see, uh we are having Macaroni and Cheese or subs. What would you like?" Ally stuttered. At the words 'Macaroni and Cheese', Austin's eyes lit up.

"Can we have Mac and Cheese? I haven't had that in a while," Austin asked. Ally nodded and turned back around and started to walk out of his room, but Austin stopped her.

"You don't like me do you?" he asked. Ally spun back around. All she could do was shrug. He was right, she didn't like him, but she didn't want to tell him. He was too suspicious to her. And since that this was the boy that she dreamed about, she didn't want to get to close to him. It would be too weird.

"Well, I guess that answers that, but I like you. Well so far I do. You seem cool. I'm gonna keep trying to be friends with you, ya know," Austin declared. Ally was surprised; she wasn't expecting that. But, she didn't want to be friends with this kid, who put a wedge between her family.

"I guess you can try, but it's gonna be hard, since I don't like you," Ally said coldly and slammed the door. On her way to her room, her mother stopped her.

"What does Austin want?" Mother asked. Ally stared at her mother and rolled her eyes.

"Austin wants Mac and Cheese," she answered irritatedly. Then, she continued storming to her room.


Austin's POV

Jeez. I didn't mean for that to go like that. I mean, I guess I understand why she's upset. All I want is to be her friend. She did seem like a nice person, and she was pretty. Very pretty. Snap out of it, Austin. You aren't here to flirt with her, you are here to protect her. I just had to get on her good side. Become closer to her.

I wanted to tell the family my secret, but I couldn't. At least not yet. But, they need to know why and how I would protect them.


Ally's POV

"Ally! Caleb! Austin! Dinner!" Mother called from the kitchen. I groaned. I really didn't want to be in the same room as the kid that would soon become a favorite and Mother and Caleb would forget about me. They would be too busy babying Austin to remember me. I just can feel it already.

I sat up on my bed and started to text Harvey goodbye.

To: Harvey
I'm sorry, Harv, but I gotta go. Have to eat dinner with my family...and Austin. Text ya later.

I sighed, looking at my phone, wondering if Austin would take away Harvey also. My phone vibrated, making me jump.

From: Harvey
Ahh, I see. My condolences go to you, it must be HORRIBLE to eat with the people who love you. Haha ;)

I laughed at the text and rolled my eyes. Harvey always found a way to make me smile or laugh, even if I was in the worst moods. I got up off of my bed and walked into the kitchen. Since Mother and Caleb were sitting next to each other, I had to sit next to Austin. Great.

As I slid into the chair next to Austin. He turned his head and winked at me. I just smiled sarcastically and rolled my eyes, showing that I was never going to be even friendly towards him. Mother noticed the tension and decided to ask Austin questions...again.

"So, Austin, do you have a bike? Or know how to ride one?" Mother asked. I rolled my eyes. Of course he knew how to ride one! That is basically how you get around. Austin laughed.

"Yeah I have one. Well had one. I didn't bring my bike with me," Austin told Mother. She nodded and then her eyes lit up. She had an idea.

"Caleb, how about me and you go on another weekend trip to get a bike at the mall!" Mother said excitedly. The mall was a long way away. Well, the mall wasn't really a mall. It was like a store that people go to to stock up on supplies. We rarely go there now.

"Oh you don't have to do that," Austin said politely. I rolled my eyes. I could tell he was being fake polite.

"Oh but I have to," Mom insisted.

"Mom could I come with you also?" I asked. I didn't want to be left home with Austin.
She sighed. "Ally I feel like it would be best to stay back with Austin. How would you feel if your new family left you home that weekend?"

"I would love it," I snarled and I stormed out of the room.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2015 ⏰

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