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cw - cursing

she walked through those memory holding corridors every single day, for 8 years.
but today was the big day,
new school , fresh start
freshman year of highschool.

what if i fuck up?
what if they hate me?
the seniors will bully me.
nobody in my class will like me

as she walked in the door, she went to the assembly area to get sorted into classes. she heard her name called out, followed by nobody she knew.

she entered her new homeroom and the first thing she seen was a girl. a beautiful girl to be exact. she was glowing. her chocolate colored hair flowed like a princesses. and her eyes were more beautiful then the sky. she thought that was all.
until she smiled.

and then she knew,
she knew thats what she wanted to see forever.

author speaks ———
this is about the girl in my class, who is now my best friend. <3

update: we aren't best friends anymore.

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