"I ... Walk amongst them."

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So my life started when I was born on December 20, 1988. Though this ain't a story about when I was born, it's a story about the days,weeks and years I believe there were others whom walk amongst us.

The year was 2014, I was incarcerated doing time for Gun related charges. Now while locked up, my mind was clear. It was what I feel was Normal.
Although we as human beings, seem to acknowledge that we constantly make up our own minds. We tell ourselves what to do, when to do it and question everything that's happened in our lives.

So here I am, sitting alone in my cell.
Missing home and reminecsing. A thing most inmates are use to, now there was a time I thought I was institutionalized. I thought with everything concept I can come up with, I will always find my way back to jail, and be okay with it. I would always be the one in charge, making up my mind on daily activities.

I use to laugh to myself or out loud about things I see, or hear. And that's normal, that's just how our mind works. (But little did I know!)
It's not truly how our mind works. If anything, what I'm about to tell you. Can really make one person to think, are there ones that walk amongst us and we can't see them. Is there something we are all missing, but yearn to find out.

Now I knew there was an Pandemic going on in the city I'm from. Now I'm from Winnipeg, Manitoba. And I hear things from other inmates, phone calls or just watching the evening News. The pandemic I'm talking about is Methamphetamine being sold to everyone, normal people getting addicted, teenagers selling to teenagers. It was Everywhere.

But what really gets to me, is the day I met an acquaintance while locked up.
See this guy, whom we'll call Farqhuar became my room mate. Now I thought he was a stand up kinda guy. I thought he was just another inmate falling through the traps of a broken system.

Then one day ... !

Chapter 1

So tell me about yourself, why you locked up, and how much time you got?

Man, I don't know. I was out there just getting high, just doing what I always do.

What's that?

You know ... Jib,

What the fuck, what's that?

Oh it's this drug every one is into, it's called "Meth."
It's probably the best thing out there, it's easy to get and when your high, your like invincible, you don't give a fuck about what's happening. And most people doing it, get such a rush they feel like they can do anything.

Now to me, that sounded stupid.
Ain't nobody invincible, there's always someone out there that can do better then the next. But I listened anyway.

Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you!
When you do it, it's very intense, it gets people sexually active for the most part.

So your telling me, your an addict and you like this drug, cuz your sexually active. That doesn't explain why your locked up. And here sitting in this cell with me.

Well I was just getting to that part!
I was out there getting high, a thing I do everyday.
So much to the point that I'm up for days. No sleep, just a high that keeps going.


Well that's it, I can't remember when I went to sleep, or when the cops arrested me. I must of passed out, or something.

Story the fuck up!
Really why are you locked up!

Now I couldn't just believe this guys story, he could be telling lies or trynna front for me.
You see that alot in Jail, lots of stories lots of lies.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2021 ⏰

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