Chapter 12: Too Fast?

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HELLO EVERYONE!!  I am back with some new chapters today! I hope everyone had a great New Years and I can't wait to see what 2022 brings all of us! I know a lot of you are eager to see the coming chapters and I am excited to say that today the story will continue! Please be sure to comment and leave your thoughts, I love to see what you guys think! Again, I apologize for the wait, but things are about to get messy, smutty, and intense! Enjoy! Xo. 

Lea's Point of View: 

Excitement was filling House Atreides, everyone beginning to spread rumors about the upcoming wedding, when it would be, what my dress would look like, the ring, and so many more questions were left up in the air. 

Paul had disappeared to Arrakis alongside Duke Leto, Duncan, and Gurney to begin their search for the new spice, accompanied by their other weapons master's and guards. Lady Jessica and I remained hopeful they would return shortly, but the days began to pass and we had no word from them. Duke Leto had not given an exact day when they would be returning, but Lady Jessica began to worry. I tried my best to comfort her, telling her that they were sure to make their way back. 

2 weeks had passed before they returned,   Lady Jessica and I awaiting them inside the throne room. Things between Paul and I were different, we became a lot closer and were able to spend more time together alone which was beginning to get to me in a way I liked. I was very excited to see him, and once he came through the doorway, my face lit up. 

Paul was followed by Duke Leto, Gurney, Duncan, and an assortment of other guards who had accompanied them. As they walked in, everyone gathered around, Duke Leto and Paul running up to Lady Jessica beside me, embracing them and placing a kiss on her cheek. To my surprise, Paul came right to me, reaching his hand up to my shoulder and softly pressed his lips to my cheek. I felt my stomach drop, and gasped quietly, to which Paul stepped back. He looked me up and down with a look of confusion, "Are you alright?" he asked. I was completely in surprise, and couldn't figure out how to react. Instead, I just folded my hands in front of me and smiled. "Yes" I replied. He nodded his head with a smile, his cheeks turning red.  Our glances were focused between one another as if we were sharing the same thoughts of one another. I began to picture him and I together, in a way that was more than just our marriage. I could envision intimacy, love, affection and things that I couldn't fully describe even myself. Duke Leto approached from beside Paul, a smile on his face. "Lady Lea, how are you doing? It is nice to see you" he spoke. "I am well, thank you" I answered. "Excited for the upcoming wedding, I am sure" Duke Leto continued, turning his glance to me and over to Paul who now stood beside me, our shoulders touching. I could feel my heart beating at a quick rate, my mind trailing off to the kiss he had just placed upon my cheek, the way it felt, and how the butterflies swarmed. 

We stood in the throne room for quite some time, the Duke, Paul and the others informing us of their findings on Arrakis. "I hadn't ever seen the sand worms, mother. It was definitely a sight to see" Paul chuckled. "Paul was great, he flew the copter for a bit" Duncan smirked. Lady Jessica's face lit up with excitement and she placed her hand onto Paul's shoulder. "How did he do?" she pressed, turning back to Duncan and Gurney across from her. Duncan and Gurney shot each other expressions as if they were debating their answer. They looked back at Lady Jessica, "He was alright, a little skittish in the sky I'd say. He has a good eye" Gurney assured her. "Eh, he could use some work on his skills" Duke Leto chuckled, Paul punching him. "I am proud of you Paul" Lady Jessica spoke. Paul turned his glance to me across from him beside Duncan, as I fidgeted with the rings on my hands. I could see him looking at me through the corner of my eye and couldn't help the small grin that appeared on my face as I looked up and met his glance. "Lady Lea and I were heading to the library, to go over some readings" Paul spoke, looking at each of us. I was confused, as we hadn't made a plan to do so. I shot him an expression of confusion, and he just nodded as if I were supposed to go along with it. I didn't question it, instead proceeded to follow him out of the room. 

We walked through the corridor, Paul in front of me at a quick pace, making it hard for me to keep up with him. "What is the hurry?" I laughed. We were playful with one another, the flirting was consistent at this rate. He didn't reply, instead stopped in his track, turned back to me, and grabbed my wrist, continuing to run down the hall. "Paul!" I laughed, as he kept his grip tight around my wrist. He giggled himself, as we ran through the never ending corridor, reaching the library. He pushed me inside, shutting the doors behind us.

 I turned to face him, and he smiled, a joyful look across his face. "What was that for?" I argued, crossing my arms. He slowly approached me, to which my heart began to race again. He reached his hands to my crossed arms, slowly removing them and placing them to my sides. He didn't respond with words, instead just remained holding the sides of my arms. I furrowed my brow at him. "What are you doing?" I chuckled nervously. "Seems like there has been a lot of back and forth between us, Lea" he spoke in a calm tone. I couldn't comprehend what was going on or why I began to feel so awkward. "What do you mean?" I replied as he let go of my arms. "Well.. We are to be married, fairly soon actually. We've been spending a lot more time together as well." Paul spoke, stepping closer to me, our faces just inches apart from one another. His eyes shifted between mine as he raised his hands to my face. "I don't understand" I quietly replied, his hands stroking the sides of my cheeks. "If we are to become one together, sharing a marriage, a bed as well, then.. we should try and.. enhance our relationship" he whispered. I could feel his breath on mine, our eyes locked together. Before anything could possibly happen between us, Duncan pushed the doors open, and Paul pushed me away from him. 

"I'm sorry, am I, interrupting anything?" he stuttered, unsure of it he should enter or not. "No, you are alright, what is it?" Paul spoke, leaving my side and walked to Duncan. I was somewhat upset with our moment being disrupted, but it wasn't worth making much of a fuss over it. Duncan spoke to Paul about incoming merchants and nobleman who would be coming to Caladan to form a new alliance. Paul sounded somewhat agitated about it. "Very well, I will follow up with my father" he replied in an angered tone, walking through the doors leaving Duncan and I standing together. "You too are becoming closer I see huh?" he smirked. I sighed, placing my head into my hands. "It's ok, it's a new beginning Lady Lea" he assured me, smiling and headed towards his chambers.I remained standing in the library for quite some time, sitting in the chair and read through a book I found on the desk nearby. A part of me wanted Paul to come back, but it almost felt too good to be true. Not too long ago, he wanted nothing to do with me, not in my presence and I still couldn't wrap my head around why. It almost felt as if things were moving at a quick rate, too fast it seemed. I began to recognize how my life was about to change and things would be very different. A deep knot began to form in my stomach and I wondered what Paul truly felt. Time would tell... wouldn't it?? 

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