Why does it hurt?

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Have you ever walked in on your best friend fucking your worst enemy?


Yeah, I wish I could say the same. 
Oh, I suppose you probably want a little back story, huh? Alright. Cue that weird wavy all-seeing memory thing they use in movies. 

Friday, 4:48 pm

"Ugh! I hate these freaking do or die science projects! If I don't get at least a B+ I'm going to fail the class!" I complain, only to have my whining fall on my family's deaf ears.

"Guys I'm having a crisis over here, listen to me!" 

"Nick, baby, I love you and you know that, but maybe if you tried harder you wouldn't be in this situation right now." My mom subtly chides while playing some random game on her tablet, making me roll my eyes.

"It's not my fault that I'm a procrastinator to my core, I get that from you by the way." I huff and run my hands down my face, "I'm screwed. So freaking screwed. Screwed six feet underground." 

My dad snorts at my drama, "Didn't Kyle take that class last year?" He asks whilst chopping up a tomato. 

Kyle is my best friend since kindergarten and one of the smartest people I know. The highschool allowed him to skip Freshman year and move up to Sophomore, making him a Senior. I on the other hand am a Junior, meaning that I have to go through my entire Senior year without him. 

I gasp and slam my hands on the table, causing my seven year old brother to jump out of his seat and fall onto the floor. "That's it! I can just copy his project and use it! Thanks, Dad!" 

"That's not at all what I meant, Nick." Dad sighs, "What I was trying to say is go over to Kyle's house and ask him for help, we all know he'd be more than happy to help you." 

"But that's so much work, it'd be so much easier to just copy and change things!" This earns me a glare from both parents and I groan, "Fine, fine I'll go ask for help, but if I'm not back for Dad's homemade lasagna you guys better save some for me, ya animals." 

And with that I hop out of my chair and run upstairs to my room. I quickly pull on my favorite jacket, which is like five sizes too big, and slip on my discount sneakers that I got at Walmart. I then go to the bathroom down the hall to do my business and wash my hands. Before I leave that room I run my hand through my messy blonde hair and nod into the mirror when I declare myself worthy enough to go outside. 

Popping a piece of mint gum into my mouth I bound back downstairs, yell a quick 'bye' to my family, grab my bag that sits by the door, and leave. As always the walk to Kyle's place is short yet pleasant. We used to be neighbors, but a better house opened up a few blocks down and Kyle's dad decided he wanted it so they moved. I don't really mind though, because it's not like he moved across the country or something. 

Almost ten minutes of walking in the cool spring air later I turn and walk up his driveway. Taking in the familiar scenery I smile and knock on the front door. Kyle's dad answers and smiles when he sees me before letting me in.

Kyle's dad, Jason, has aged pretty well over the years. He stands at nearly 6'0, way taller than my 5'8. He has dark brown hair that's nearly black, gray eyes, and he's a lawyer at the local firm, the total package. Yet he hasn't really been interested in anyone since his wife died of breast cancer a few years back. 

"Nick it's been a while! Way too quiet without you here." Jason chuckles and hugs me.

I quickly return the hug and smile in agreement. "If you missed me so much you could have called and I would have ran over to keep you company." I laugh and so does he. 

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