Chapter 7:Villians Unite

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Narrator pov
"Well done Norman you have weakened the boy." Doc Ock said. "Otto it was an easy job but I must say it was rather hard to keep the hero in one piece." Goblin smirked. "Well how do we find the guy?" Electro questioned. "No need to worry Maxwell he will come to us." Doctor Octopus snickered. "Uh Doc it's Electro now I kinda ditched the name Max." Electro said trying to sound like a good person. "The Spiderman can't help but try to be a hero and that will be his downfall." Osborn hissed. "Let's just hope he is as stupid as Parker." Electro exclaimed. "The three of us won't be able to kill him." Norman said with such cunning smarts. "That is why I acquired another foe of the blasted Spiderman. Men I introduce you to the Rhino." Otto said "Thanks for letting me in on the plan." Rhino said try to keep the focus on him. "I must be in some world of idiots because why would you bring the Rhino in the group all he's going to do is run into some buildings." "Look here Maxy I have way more power than your little lightning bolts can do." Rhino said with such authority. "You wanna test that theory?" Electro said getting in the face of Rhino. "Gentleman please save the hostility for Spiderman." Doctor Octopus gently said trying to get the team on the same page. "Well what's the plan Otto." Norman questioned. "We will rob the Queens city bank or so it seems.....the hero will try to ruin this said heist only to find out that we have joined forces to kill him." Otto said using a simulation. "Well who's gonna rob the bank Doc." Electro asked with the thought of murdering the hero. "That would be me." "Who are you?" Rhino said snorting."The name's Montana but you men can call me Shocker." "Oh no you won't be the only one who can rob banks. The name is Sandman and I will be helping the Shocker rob that bank." "Gentlemen looks like we're the new Sinister Six." Otto smiled. "And let the games begin."

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