Chapter I: Introduction

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I ran out of my house, inclined to never return. I ran through the green and dull grass with no sense of direction, only to get out of that toxic and abusive household. I lived there all my life, and to a great extent, it merely felt like home.

I had an abusive stepdad who would always get livid and odious. His disposition showed his conceited, supercilious, and vice persona. My mother, on the other hand, had only worked for hours as we had a scarcity of commodities. My mom was an eminent, candid, and rational woman.

My parents would always argue about why she chose to be a worker instead of a housewife every time they were together. My stepdad was always irrational during the arguments, and my siblings would always choose my mom.

I don't know what ever happened to my real dad, but ultimately, my mom hated him.

I had two siblings, Eula and Katheryn. Eula was a striking, sensible, and witty girl. With her blonde long hair and green eyes, It was evident that she was our parents' favourite, as she was my stepdad's daughter. Eula White was the youngest of the siblings. Eula white took favour in the colour red.

Katheryn was humorous, reserved, and would display a fervent interest in reading. She had dirty blonde medium-length hair but would rather tie it up in a bun. She had greenish eyes and freckles. She would read whenever she could, even at dinners. Katheryn took favour in the colour blue.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2021 ⏰

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