9︱Metal and Rust

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The house is still and quiet, save for the occasional creaking of wood. 

Its been two days, she mused. Warily, she peers at the opening on the walls as she washes the dishes, soap and lather on her fingers. 

I must have really upset him. 

Its been a week since Cole's death. She still doesn't know where Malcolm is,  if he's still alive, or rotting in the estate somewhere. 

Christ Almighty...

She should be taking this opportunity to escape! With Brahms gone she should be scrambling towards the door, running away from here, calling the police!

Yet she couldn't explain it. She felt drawn to the estate, drawn to the Heelshires, drawn to Brahms...

She wondered if destiny brought her here. 

Is this why fate brought me here?  She mused. She remembers the heartbroken look on Mrs. Heelshire's face as she apologized to her the day they left. 

"I'm sorry.." 

Her quivering voice rang in her ears. She remembers snatching the letter in Brahms' lair during their strenuous chase.

The girl is yours now, to love and care for.

The Heelshires lost a child. While Brahms may have survived the fire, God knows they still lost Brahms that day. Perhaps that was why they preferred to take care of a doll instead of their grown son. 

Is this why she was here? To give something Brahms never had? Love and acceptance? Sighing, she grabs the white cloth on the table and proceeds to wipe the dishes down. She couldn't help but feel sorry for the Heelshires, for Brahms. 

How cruel fate was, to have their son maimed from a fire and confined within the walls of the manor like a dirty secret. She felt for them, the Heelshires. They lost their son that day, lost who he could've been. 

She lost a child once. God knows the torment she'd been through when she'd lost her baby. Gently, she arranges the dishes then puts them in the cabinet, smoothing her hair and taking in a deep breath. The cold November air gusts outside the manor and the trees sway in the air rhythmically. 

Suddenly there's recall of an altercation she and Cole once had. 

"Stupid whore!"

"Cole, I'm sorry..."

"Cole, I'm sorry" He mocks in a high pitched voice, anger evident on his face. 

She picks the fragments of the broken plates on the floor, trying her best to clean up the mess. Suddenly large hands push her to the floor and she screams in pain as the shards penetrate her skin. 

"Listen here, Gret." Cole's voice booms beside her, she notices he's squatted beside her, lips whispering menacingly in her ear. 

"You're a stupid bitch who can't make decisions for yourself. Without me, you're nothing."

She sobs as she lifts her bloodied hands. 

The sound of shuffling feet breaks her out of her reverie. Slowly, she turns. In the doorway of the kitchen, is the masked figure of Brahms. 

"Hey, Brahms" She greets him warily. 

He stands awkwardly, shifting his weight foot to foot, staring at her intently. Steadily, he makes his way to her, hands loosely hanging by his side. 

The Boy Within the Walls (Brahms x Greta)Where stories live. Discover now