Chapter 6

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*3rd December, Maldives*

"The clock's ticking; think about it," Shehnaaz whispers and then walks towards the washroom, swaying her hips a little extra. She felt giddy and excited; he had planned something for her after a long time.

She decided to take a shower first rather than running inside the dressing room to see what was in store. Sidharth knew her choices and preferences pretty well. He knew what would make her happy, so she already was delighted, knowing whatever was in there; it would lift her mood by ten folds.

She wrapped the white coloured cotton robe around her body and walked out of the shower area. Slipping into the white bathroom slippers provided by the hotel, she moved towards the dressing area. She frowned, looking into the cupboard; it felt like before. She rummaged through her clothes to find whatever her beloved husband was talking about, but there was nothing.

Was he joking? Her mind questioned, and she swore he was so gone if he was. But then he was dressed up too, and knowing her husband's lazy ass pretty well, she knew he would never take so much effort to get dressed if he had not planned something, forget dressing up for a prank or joke.

She looked around, and then finally, her gaze stopped on a wrapped, small, square-shaped box. She let out a squeal, looking at the shape of the box. Guessing she knows what is in there, and damn, she already felt so excited for tonight. Moving towards the dressing table, she looked at the dress he had chosen for her—a simple black dress with full sleeves. Of course, he was dressed in a white shirt, his favourite black and white combination of them. Sidharth loved when one was dressed in black and the other in white weird, but he loved it.

She pulled her hair in a bun for the time being and took her makeup kit out from a pink pouch sitting on the corner. After a bit of debate with herself, she finally decided on putting some of that on her skin for tonight. She stifled her laughter on realising her makeup kit looked brand new as if it was purchased just a day or two back, but no, she bought it two years ago. Why does it seems so new? Because she was not that into makeup. When you have a husband who does not mind if you don't taint your skin with those chemicals and roam around the whole house with a bare face, she guessed you become lazier.

"Why bother putting it on Sana when you know I will mess it up anyway? Besides, you look much more beautiful without those things on your face. You have an allergy, for god sake, let's just go and not waste time in this might come back early and use this saved time in something else" He winked. She laughed harder as his words rang in her head. Yes, he meant all those things your mind is wondering. That is him, unabashed and free in front of her, and well, she is the same. Demanding as hell, no, not in materialistic terms but emotionally and physically. They say when they need each other loud and clear.

Only you failed to do that the last two years Shehnaaz, her mind mocked, and she sighed audibly. This is not going to go away until they both come clean to each other and yell all their worries out, but right now, they are focusing on the loving each other part a little more. They missed this dammit, did all these things for each other, just missed being around. And so, however toxic it feels sometimes, they are taking time and going slow and she has no issues with that.

But the only thing that is bothering her is that he has not said anything about the last two years yet. All the instances discussed were the ones she went through, but what about him? Is he still not ready to talk about it?

The next thing she does is pick the dress up and slip into it. She noticed a piece of paper had fallen on the ground as soon as she picked the dress up in a rush. Picking the piece of paper and reading what was written on it, she could not help her lips breaking into a smile.

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