Chapter 2

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Niomi's p.o.v
Me and Marcus head into the office and sign the papers to adopt Luke. I can't wait to bring him home. Mrs Wright heads out to tell Luke to pack his bags.
"Are you excited" Marcus asks
"Yeah but slightly nervous I just hope that he will be comfortable"
"Let's go help Luke pack"

Luke's p.o.v
I head up stairs to pack my bags I am so happy that I am finally being adopted. Marcus and Niomi are the nicest people. I can't wait to finally be able to call somewhere home. I hear a knock at my door. And Marcus and Niomi walk in.
"We came to help you pack" Marcus said
"Thanks guys"
We continued packing when I came across a picture of my nan. And I just broke down in tears
4 years old
I was watching tv in the lounge when I heard my nan collapse. I ran over and she was laying there in the middle of the kitchen floor. I scrambled around looking for the phone. I dialed the police

Lady on phone-999 what's your emergency
Luke-my nan isn't moving I think she's dead *crying*
Lady-how old are you
Luke-4. You need to hurry *crying*
Lady- They are on there way. Where are your parents?
Luke- There dead
Lady- bud you need to stay on the line till they get there okay?
Luke- okay.
The police showed up and covered my Nan's body. I was then taken to the care home.

Niomi and Marcus held me in until I stopped crying. I finally stopped and told them what had happened. We finished packing and headed home. When we arrived we went up to there flat and they showed me my room it was awesome. There were two presents on the bed. The first one I opened was a futbol. The next one was a basketball.
Thank you so much I said giving them both massive hugs.

Marcus' p.o.v
We showed Lou his room and gave him his presents. He opened them and gave us both massive hugs. We all then headed to the lounge and ordered dominos. After dinner we tucked Luke in to bed.
"Goodnight Lou we love"
"Goodnight Mum, goodnight dad"

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2015 ⏰

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