Chapter 2 horrible night

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"Aether POV"

I woke up but I wasn't In my bedroom
I was in a dark room it looked like a jail cell or even a dungeon? I was cold and scared I didin't know where I was


Paimon did not answer I started to cry my magic didint work and I was really scared I started to look around and walk around the only things I saw was a clock that was not moving and had no
arrows I started to run but all I saw was more and more cells


Aether-ow what did I just trip on...

A cat?

"3rd person"

Aether sat up a lookd at the cat and saw that it was the same cat that bit him

Aether-oh it's you!

"Aether POV"

I backed away from the cat stood up and started to run away from it but I bumpt into something or no someone I looked up and saw-

Aether-w...who you?

My face was pale as the white snow I was scared what was this demon looking thing? I started to crawl away from it very slowly as not to alarm it but I guess that didint work

????-I guess your having fun in this dream I made especially for you

That thing got on one knee and lifted my chin up to its face.
I got a better look and saw that he was wearing a demon looking mask I only saw in old books that my mother firbided me from reading

????-aw why do you look so scared of me?

The demon said in a sort of sad yet happy voice

Aether-may I ask who are you?

I was scared yet I had to ask him in a nice way who he was

????-you angles are always soo annoying with your stupid questions!
But I guess I can answer your question I don't mind talking a little bit longer with an angel this cute~


I started blushing from that answer

????-so you wanted to know who I was right?


????-Xiao the Vigilante Yaksha of dreams and death


I started to back away till I hit a wall with my back I was even more scared.
Xiao the most dangerous demon in hell even worse that Morax the king on contracts......

Xiao-aw your even more scared now I love that. That's so adorable the prince of heaven Aether quivering right before my feet. Are you that scared of me?


Xiao-i guess you are... that's so sad~

Aether-what do you want from me?!

I started to cry even more he blocked my powers so I was helpless right before him if I was to take him on head to head in a fight right now I would surely die

Xiao-you know your really weak I thought you would be much stronger than this but alas I was wrong.

Suddenly my hand where changed up above my head!.
As he got closer to my ear

Xiao-do you wanna know something?
This is my dream world so I could kill you in a instant. Or even fuck you if I wanted. Or even make you my slave but I think I should kill you that would win me the war and heaven would be distroyd would you like that?

Aether-please don't!

Xiao-pfft hahaha such a poor site to look at indeed the prince of heaven begging for mercy.


Xiao-dont worry I won't kill you just yet Aether I need to torture you for a little while I mean you where the one that started the war in the first place!

I looked at his confused

Aether-what do you mean?!

Xiao-dont play dumb with me!
1 thousand years ago you tried to asasinate Morax! With that dumb bitch of a mother with you!

Aethet-What do you mean by that?! I never started the war! You demons where the ones who started it you tried to kill me and my family wich you managed to kill my little sister in!-

Xiao quickly grabbed my neck so I couldn't breathe


Xiao-thats where you are mistaken we demons where not the ones who started the war it's just you dumbass God made a whole ass lie about the war so she could kill all the demons and even tricked you. I know because I fought against her in the war and you know what I saw?

Her killing her own daughter who did nothing wrong!

Aether-wha..what? No mother would never do that she would NEVER she is the most kind mother in the world!


Xiao grabbed my neck harder

Aether-stop I can't breathe-

I felt a sharp pain at the back of my neck like someone had bitten into it that moment I didint even feel the pain I just past out and then I woke up.

*15 days latter after all of that Aether started to look more into how the war started Aethers friends got nervous for his mental health. Because he didint even sleep anymore. Because he was scared to see Xiao in his dreams again after all what he did say was true about his sister and how she died*

Aether-what he said does make sense mother did not say how sister died only that she was killd by Xiao by a stab wound to the stomach but when I saw her she didint have a stab wound to the abdomen only on her chest and it looked like magic not a spear nore a sword.
Why would mother do this?!
Why would-


Hello sorry for not posting new chapters in a while you know story block but yeah hope you liked this chapter you cam leave recommendations down is the comment or ideas on what you might wanna see in this story 😊
Again sorry for any spelling
errors/mistakes😓 but yeah have a great day/night love yall❤oh and please give me some inspiration for this story

Devil And The Angel [Xiao x Aether]Genshin Impact]🔞Where stories live. Discover now