Chapter 15: The Forest Vault

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The glass dial at the top of the Clock Tower had a narrow walkway behind it, just in case anyone needed to repair the mechanism, as Mr Filch had done when Tonks had crashed into it earlier in the year. The walkway was hidden from the corridor by the system of gears and pulleys that operated the clock and its pendulum, and it was here that Artemis found Charlie stood in the darkness, leaning against the wall with two broomsticks lying at his feet.

"You had a change of heart, then?" he asked her, as she joined him in the walkway.

"Don't get too excited," she replied. "I'm only using you for spider bait."

"I expected as much."

Charlie picked up the brooms and passing one to Artemis. Even in the dim light, she recognised it as Andre's. No one else's broom would be so well polished.

They crept down the steps of the Clock Tower to the courtyard below, ready to launch their brooms. It was the first time Artemis had been to the courtyard since Ben's attack. She hadn't seen him since, as Professor McGonagall had had him admitted the the Hospital Wing.

"Have you been to visit him? Ben, I mean," she said to Charlie, once they were in flight.

"I have."

"How is he?"

"Not great," Charlie shook his head. "He has all these blank areas in his memory, and he's worried he's going to attack people again. He also thinks that you and Rowan hate him."

"I don't hate him," Artemis was shocked. "How could he think that?"

"I think Rowan was more the issue."

"Rowan doesn't hate him either," Charlie made a disbelieving noise. "She doesn't! She just... She's very protective, that's all."

"Even so, you and Rowan were Ben's first real friends here, and since second year you've drifted apart from him," he said. Artemis made to contradict him, but stopped. She knew he was right. "He's been anxious about it for ages, but now worse than ever."

"He's never said any of this to me."

"It's Ben. He's obviously too scared to say anything."

"Ben's braver than you think, Charlie," Artemis said, defensively.

"I think Ben's very brave," Charlie replied. He paused for a moment, before adding with a grin, "You're just really, really scary, that's all. Ow!"

Artemis had flown sideways and bumped into him, hard. Charlie rubbed his upper arm where her shoulder had made contact with it.

"Hey," he said. "Be nice to the spider bait."

They landed in the clearing near the centaur camp, the surrounding trees casting shadows on the forest floor.

"Remember to keep your voice down," Charlie whispered. "We aren't far from the Red Cap's den, and he seems the sort to hold a grudge."

"Really? I was hoping he might agree to help us."

"That plan would be insane, even for you. Come on, let's figure out where we are going."

Artemis put her hand into the pocket of her jacket. The map wasn't there. She checked the other pocket, and felt the map in there, but not before Charlie had spotted her frowning.

"Please tell me you have the map, Artemis."

"Um..." Artemis widened her eyes, feigning bewilderment, until she couldn't stop herself from laughing at the look on Charlie's face. "Only joking, it's here."

"That's not funny."

"It was a bit. I could've sworn I put it in the other pocket, though. Oh, well. Lumos!"

Artemis Hexley and the Forbidden Forest Where stories live. Discover now