Chapter 15: The Bamboo Woods West

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Pyro noticed a bright yellow light flash before his eyes. He quickly gazed up and saw Arion on his Pallid Dragon, headed towards Barrenth.

Arion and Shark, could feel, the feeling of life, of courage, and of hope flowing through them.

It was like they had absolutely no control over their mobility, and they did not care. It overwhelmed the Dark which was drowning out the little hope and Light left in the world.

Arion was comfortably on the back of the electric made dragon and holding onto its trail of hair.

He shouted down to Pyro, Troy, and Erbus. "Get to the shore, Shark and I will help Barrenth," and he flew off with his dragon.

Notus looked down at the Bamboo Woods and noticed Chrome and his Alloieans materialize with the aid of a green light and afterwards he gawked at Shark and Arion who were about to save Barrenth.

"It is time to see what these Rudimental Beastials can do," said Notus about to test their strengths.

He commanded his three tornados which surrounded him to attack the two Ancient Rudimental Beastials.

The wind in the water was growing. Arion decided it was time to stare danger in the face. There was no more room for running and he had to take a stand and fight.

"Let's go Pallid Dragon, let's save Barrenth."

The Pallid Dragon coiled around one of the tornados like a true serpent when Arion had a sudden memory flash like he had done this before, but when, he could not recall.

The thunder dragon's wrap extinguished the tornado into nothingness leaving behind but a brisk breeze.

"We have to get to the others, hurry," shouted Arion.

Three Rattans flew up behind Arion with maniacal smiles on their face.

"It's time to say goodbye to your pet dragon." They prepared to hurl several green spheres at him when another voice said, "I think it's time to say goodbye to the three of you instead."

The Rattans curved around and saw Pyro seated on the back of a blazing fire body, Crimson Wolf. It howled to the moon and opened its mouth wide, releasing a solar disk of fire towards the Rattans.

The Rattans tried to soar out of its way but it was futile, they were trapped in its path and were sent hurdling down while on fire, straight into the ocean, not even denting it with their weight.

His soul, his ka was free and untouchable, to journey out and explore the lands without fear from Omegon or any other force but it would soon fade away and he would have to return to the Dark reality he lived in, but for now he was free.

Arion's eyes widened and Pyro was mindful that it was not a good sign. It was fear which was emanating from Arion's eyes.

"Do I even have to ask," said Pyro with a gulp.

Pyro veered around to see the final two tornados headed directly at them and at that moment he and his Crimson Wolf were caught in their path like the Rattan's were with the solar disk.

The Crimson Wolf did it's best to outrun the tornadoes while avoiding any contact with the ocean.

Pyro caught a glimmer of white light wisped by him and Arion to the direction of the tornados.

"What or who was that?" said Arion, twisting his head around.

It was Troy on his silver wind phoenix. It flew straight at the first tornado and with its extended shaver like wings it severed it into half.

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