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"Help, please help!" a woman in her middle age shouted while running through the woods. She touched her big tummy and stopped for a while, she breathed desperately.

She catches her breath one more time and continues to walk inside the forest, there's someone who wants her and her baby dead.

• • • •
A few months ago she and her husband were extremely happy about the news, she was 8 weeks pregnant. They thank God for the wonderful blessing they receive on her husband's birthday.

After they knew that she was pregnant, her husband did all his best to support and take care of them. He even accepted two jobs to support his family needs.
He always assures that his wife and their baby are healthy, and when the time comes the gender of their baby is revealed.

"It's a girl," his wife said.

He smiled widely and touched his wife's big tummy.

"Hi, baby girl, we're so excited to see you. See you soon baby,"

They are one of those normal couples who have a simple life.

Her mind came back to reality when she heard some rustling sounds. She called herself a bit and prepared herself for what would happen. The rustling sound got loud, and it became footsteps. She sensed it behind her back.

She looked for anything she could use, she roamed her eyes everywhere until she saw a log. It's not that big and it's not that small either. She didn't think twice, she took big steps and picked-up the log and quickly turned around. She aimed the log in front of the lady she saw.

"I told you to abort the child," the old lady said in a flat tone.

She saw the talisman, the old lady warned her about her pregnancy, she told her that the child she's carrying has a great power. That's why her child will suffer a lot and she is torn between good and bad. The old lady told her that her baby we're surrounded by a black spell.

"Why would i? She's my daughter! My own blood and flesh!" she shouted.
"But, I saw on my cards that your child is destined to a-ackk," she didn't finish her sentences when someone attacked the old lady from behind. The old lady slowly kneeled down while coughing blood and slowly die Infront of her.
She roamed her eyes to see where the attack came from, but the forest was too dark and foggy to see. A few moments of silence and she heard a "Thud" sound.

She alerted herself and embraced her big tummy.
She heard some "thud thud" sounds, and based on the sounds it looks like it's slowly approaching her. She aimed at the log where the sounds came from and the fog slowly disappeared, and she saw with her two eyes what kind of creature she was facing.

Her body is shaking in fear, her lips are trembling, no words nor sounds came out while looking at the creature in front of her.

The creature in front of her smiles widely at her. She's the girl who wore a kimono with long balck hair covering her face, and has spider legs. Even Though her hair covered her whole face, you'll catch a glimpse of her red eyes and her mouth with a lot of stitches.
She screams in horror and takes a step backwards. "N-no, d-don't please," she begged while crying.

But the lady didn't hear her plea.
She slowly approaches her with a creepy smile on her face. She embraced her tummy and took a step backwards even though she can't feel her legs anymore. She needs to be strong for her baby.

She continued to step backwards and suddenly stripped one of the tree's roots. She fell, and the lady was happy to see her suffering. She crawled and hid under the big tree, even though she knew it wouldn't help.
"I can sense a great power in that child, I need to eat that child," the lady said while the creepy smile plastered on her pale face.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2022 ⏰

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