Wedding Day

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A.N: Maria is addressed as "Lady Mary" by her British relatives, but privately, she is known as Maria by Louis Mountbatten. Hopefully that clears things up.

Also, I'd like to have some feedback of whether I should continue this cleaner version with an epilogue! Reviews and constructive critiques are welcome!

June 10, 1922

(Maria Nikolaevna Romanova's POV)

My wedding to Louis was a small, close-knit ceremony held in the gardens of the Osborne House. Some of my British relatives attended it, but it lacked the familiar presences of my family. My dear, late parents were absent from my wedding! Saddening... when I was a young girl, I wanted Papa to walk me down the aisle. But that would never happen.

Even though I knew my dear sisters, brother, and parents were there in spirit, their physical absence still hurt. As I stood waiting in the changing room, I felt the familiar burn of my eyes. It was an all too familiar sensation I often had, and it was like a sign of rainfall.

But the rain did not fall, for I had found my sunshine in Louis.

My husband to be.

The palace maids had long since fussed over me, preparing my looks to please. This would be my only chance to give a wonderful first impression.

All for Louis, my love.

My brown hair was no longer put up, instead falling down my shoulders in brown waves. My Romanov blue eyes almost shone with their prior brightness, one of a joyful young lady. I ran my right hand over my dress. Soft, white fabrics, edged with lace to "stir his desires".

Although it would have been improper, I vaguely knew about such things.

I was no fool. Mama had told me only tidbits of what would transpire on my wedding night. And later, Louis explained to me how such carnal relations worked. Where to touch. How to please.

The thought excited me, washing away my melancholy thoughts of my late family. Louis beside me every night... oh, there would be little sleeping done! My round, smooth cheeks grew warmer, and I stifled a giggle. Perhaps there remained a piece of that young self from long ago-

"Maria, my dear niece!" a familiar voice greets me.

My mother-in-law to be: Princess Victoria of Hesse and by Rhine. She was a relative of Mama, which comforted me. In some way, she would represent the mother I had lost.

The door had been opened. There, in a white bridesmaid dress, stood Princess Victoria.

Like Mama, she was a blonde woman with a slender figure. Like her, she bore the familiar blue eyes, but the narrower ones of a bright, educated noblewoman! She was quite outspoken and vivacious unlike Mama, enjoying life and speaking of certain liberal views.

She was a wonderful aunt that I had become familiar with.

"Are you ready? It is best to not keep my son waiting, dear."

I grinned. "Of course, Auntie Victoria!"

"Very well, allow me to lead you to my son."

And I followed her through the lavender painted, alabaster edged halls to the garden door. My steps slowed when I heard the sounds of chattering grow louder. Could I continue forth? Auntie Victoria looked back at me, and she held my right hand with hers. The warmness and softness felt comforting.

"Do not be afraid. They simply want to support you. We are all family," she said, her tone gentle like Mama's...

I hesitated for a few seconds, but the final nod of my aunt gave me the courage. I mustered a smile, and I allowed her to lead me outside.

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