im too sick

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A/N - hello, so I'm dying with the cold. For 4 days to be exact. But today I drew Jungkook since I was bored, never drew in awhile other than for my art class which is still-life snd not portrait. But I'll show you what I I doing in art anyways. But first here is Jungkook out of pure boredom:

And here is my art class work that I have to do to pass my highers. Yes I am in a higher art class. This is 1/6. Since I've done 6 but they are in class as I have finished them:

It isn't finished as pencil and pen sre hard to do, it took me about a week to do judt that. But I'm in that class for 50mins for Mon-Wed and my friends are in that class so we do a pot of talking but I still do my work.

Now I shall go to bed as I'm so so tried. Night!

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