Chapter 1

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The morning came quickly. I started to fry some eggs and bacon. I called Vee to come here today and help me plan my revenge. The eggs were starting to cook,so I sprinkle a little bit of pepper to my scrambled eggs.

As I was about the put the eggs on my plate, the bell rang. I jogged towards the door and opened it.

"Hey! Hmmm.. I smell bacon!" Vee exclaimed, as she sniffed the room. Vee quickly entered my house and went straight to the kitchen. I think she's devoured my breakfast since I'm heard her munching.

I shook my head and went to the kitchen. Vee has finished my toast. Great.

"Uhh, thanks for devouring my breakfast," I said as I snagged a plate full of eggs and bacon. Vee tried to pick two pieces of bacon but I slapped her hand away. I sat down and placed my plate in front of me.

"Well, what did you call me in here for?" Vee said as she sat down. She put down her bag and removed her scarf and placed her sunglasses aside.

"I need your help," I said as I took out my bag. I searched through my bag and tried to grasp the list I wrote last night. After a few minutes, I took out a crumpled paper from my bag.

"Help in what?" Vee asked, as she plopped some bread in the toaster. She walked towards the fridge and grabbed a carton of orange juice. She poured some orange juice in her glass and mine.

"This," I said as I opened and straightened my crumpled list.

"What's that?---Hey! I know these guys!" Vee exclaimed, pointing at my list.

"Yes, they are all my ex-boyfriends," I replied, poking a strip of bacon with my fork and eating it.

"What about them?" Vee asked as she sat down and handed a glass of orange juice to me.

"Well, I was planning on getting back at each and every one of them," I replied as I continued to eat my breakfast.

"And, how are you going to do that?" Vee asked, placing her toast in a plate.She spreaded some jelly and peanut butter in her toast.

"I'm gonna date them again," I replied, licking some grease on my fingers and picking another strip of bacon from my plate.

"What?! How sure are you that they are going to take you back?" Vee asked, chewing her sandwich. Vee quickly munched and swallowed her sandwich, Sometimes, she can be such a pig.

"Well, it's not serious. I'm just gonna do what they did to me. I'm pretty sure they'll take me back. If they don't, then I'm gonna make them fall, but who says I'm gonna catch them?" I replied,smiling evilly. I stood up,my plate in my hand and went to the sink,leaving my plate by it.

"Wow. This boys better be ready then?" Vee asked, as she turned around to face me.

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