The Teapot Playthrough

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The Teapot by Marren J.T. MacAdam

Instrument: Optional 1d6

CW: Death, oppressions of religious groups, mentions of mass murder 

Game Synopsis: You are an Awakened Teapot, ie a sentient teapot

The Creator

The Alchemist

Tea and herbs have long had magical effects, fascinating alchemists and witches alike. Alchemists prefer a more studious approach rigorously categorizing things and understanding why they are the way they are. Witches, however, are also tied to fairy-magic, with a long standing tradition of bargains and bribes to work alongside their tea magic.

What was your creator trying to solve through tea?

They were trying to work out the best formula for sleep. They tried all blends and all types to get a perfect recipe.

What drove them to scholarly work?

Both of their parents were witches and they witnessed a deal gone bad with the fae and decided that they needed a more rigorous approach to tea and magic.

How did this rigour rub off on you?

I won't work for just anyone, they have to be disciplined and devoted to the art of tea.

What was their crowning achievement? What did they distill and how did it change the world?

They made a tea blend which made it possible to share dreams. People were divided on its uses and if it was good or not to share private dreams with others. Most religions quickly banned it without a proper reason why, and it became an illicit substance on the black market.

The Teapot

Color: Holographic Glass

Shape: Tall and Cylindrical

Spout: Very long and curvy

Handle: Elegant and fragil

Lid: The nob is a transparent orb that catches sunlight

Allegory: Etched in the glass are two hands reaching out towards each other, barely touching

Nickname: Glass Jenny, named after the alchemist who first awakened it

Era 1: Freshly Brewed

A Bright-Eyes Tea Infuser

What does their shop look like?

This infuser loves plants second most to tea. Every spare corner is covered with some green flowering vine, or tall potted tree. Cuttings are hanging in glass vials from the ceiling and vines grow around the walls. The store is a bit warm for most people but the plants are thriving in the moist environment. It's fortunate that the Infuser knows how to seal the teas so they don't spoil in the humidity.

What marks of their past do you see in their present?

They were from a well-to-do family and it shows in their taste of clothing and jewelry. They are always wearing droves of silk scarves and shawls, decorated with beautiful gold and silver bells on chains. Every time they move I can hear an array of chimes and jingles.

Was this their last attempt at success or their first?

This was the first shop they owned themselves, but they spoke often of their mentor and the previous tea-shops they had worked at.

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