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I wake up from my slumber. I then remember all the details of last nights party. I hope, no, pray, that it was a dream. I realize whose bed I'm in all too soon. Let me explain. Me and Sanders have always been mortal enemys our whole lifes. It started in pre-k when we fought over a grape juice box. After that, it all went downhill. We're in highschool now. He was having a party, and he invited me. I was confused, but I wouldn't pass up an opportunity to show him up. I got ready in my best dress and heals and knocked on his door. He answered almost immediatly. I look around and see basically half the school. I talked to a few random people here and there, but got bored and decided to leave. Colonel stopped me as I was walking out the door. He said "won't you at least see my room first?" I got curious and decided to follow him up his stairs. We went into the room with the kfc logo on the door. I look in his room, shocked with what I see.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2022 ⏰

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